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Everything posted by Hayleys_my_role_model

  1. I can't wait b/c their putting out another DVD like ABPFY when their 2nd CD comes out!!!
  2. I can't wait b/c their putting out another DVD like ABPFY when their 2nd CD comes out!!!
  3. I love when David gets his new boots, and when Pierre and Seb almost kiss in France, I was sitting there like 'Damnit Pierre I wish I was you right there' and when they're on the bus in England and they ask "What did we learn?" and Seb goes 'When theres no roof on the bus-it gets cold...'
  4. Aw don't be mean to David! Now I'm not saying I'm not agreeing with you...but don't be mean!
  5. Aw, I thought I had Jeff in there! There needs to be more Jeff Love!
  6. Alright, let's get this out in the open, not everyone likes Simple Plan, I know a sin right? Okay, but you know how pissed you get when someone starts beating down on Paramore? Same feelings for Simple Plan Fans, so I'd appreciate polite comments, and if you're a 'Simple Plan Hater', don't waste your time here... Now, Let's talk about Simple Plan... (For future reference Sebby is MINE! )
  7. SIMPLE PLAN ALL THE WAY-They shared with Paramore my joy of my first ever concert at Paramount Kings Island, Cincinnati OH on October 30th!!!
  8. I'm envious, do you think they'd hang with a thirteen year old?? Lol, well their fabulous drummer is only furteen so maybe I have a shot...
  9. That's how I discovered them-when they opened for the Simple Plan concert *reminisces* but there was HEAVY gaurding by all the band buses, it was craaazy
  10. I WANT TO MEET THEM ALL SO BADLY...what will my life be without that dream?
  11. Well, because I dub this, 'The place with no topic' A question; Is Hayley a Soprano, an Alto, what? She can hit ALL thses HIGH notes, but usually sings mpore richly and deep -Confused
  12. Now that I think about it, I don't quiet remember why I called this topic 'Hayley' lol I think Paramore's gonna hit it big, like FOB is right now. And I will be there saying, "I was there when you only had one album!" hahaha
  13. Do any of the band members have a name here? I mean, that would rock but, then I might be forced to stalk Hayley, lol jkjkjk
  14. *gasps* I fixed it, forgot to close the little box thing haha thanks all!
  15. I tried that As you can see it isn't working
  16. They're still at fourth But, i casted MY vote!
  17. How are pictures put at the bottom?
  18. Now I HAVE to go listen to that. I bought that game before I knew about Paramore, and thought I had heard that tune before!!!
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