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Everything posted by Chriss

  1. @Radio1045 Have you guys ever played Tonight Alive? Their new single "Temple" is pretty awesome.

  2. What happens when my brother goes to LA.

  3. So much anger. https://t.co/0qj3ySV4EH

  4. So festive. https://t.co/MwW3zijV0N

  5. @heyjessej Thank you for posting them on Snapchat too. Now I'm caught up for my 7:45 show! lol

  6. @torikelly Welcome back and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  7. RT @jonodiener: I’m excited that our country gets to celebrate a state rejecting a child molester for senate. Unfortunately the fact that h…

  8. @mr_raccoon Agreed. There's a huge opportunity for us to show that kid how far love and compassion can take you. If… https://t.co/BTHzqhqn2N

  9. TA's coming back strong. https://t.co/EWtwfljrao

  10. Snow Cat https://t.co/dEKWLUi0DE

  11. @jenalive11 Cracking up at your Instagram stories of Maggie being in the way and just not caring. That's me and my… https://t.co/Miq8kctcoz

  12. @torikelly If you ever want to do a pop up show in NYC, I'm down.

  13. RT @DeathStarPR: Our new tax bill will make life MUCH better for the middle class. You don't need to read it because it definitely doesn't…

  14. RT @jonodiener: Truly evil shit going down. Bizarre seeing so many brainwashed into thinking it will benefit them.

  15. Came across this album by accident this morning and didn't regret it. I really needed to hear… https://t.co/A8NSsN8e5P

  16. RT @joshgroban: When twitter started I chose the tweets I favorited like fine china to be preserved for future generations and now I’m like…

  17. Another Saturday night. Another Star Wars Lego set. https://t.co/6A3TgU5VxK

  18. Bowling https://t.co/8wqpjIF3L8

  19. OG Star Wars toys https://t.co/QpxO0wZUhR

  20. @yelyahwilliams Rock on, H. Leftovers and building IKEA furniture are two of my favorite things.

  21. Was eating alone at a restaurant and they had to move my table to accommodate a larger group. I… https://t.co/U2rxDnI9nG

  22. I bet everybody here is fake happy too.

  23. World's worst, but most comfortable, guard dog. https://t.co/PvWJv7Lcc0

  24. My pizza came with a cardboard mustache, so naturally, I had to try it out. https://t.co/wUHjEWEbnk

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