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Everything posted by Parawhore914

  1. lol. I think Nine in the Afternoon comes out on Tuesday...Their home page makes me think that...
  2. wow. I'm like, so sorry. Did you blackout after? How long until it heals?
  3. All his songs make me cry...Not like, full fledge tears but...Maybe one or two tears. Especially 'LaLaLie' and 'Dark Blue'. I can't wait wait for the new album.
  4. Dude! I know. And possibly leave the other side blank, on good pictures at least...? I was so tempted to use the All-American Reject side but--I had to go with A.F.I on this on. Besides, I have enough AAR pics...**tries to hide huge arrow that says teenie**
  5. Huh...I'm just as lost as Stephy...I've never heard of Ares...
  6. Sorry I couldn't help :/ Show me how it goes though?
  7. Cheesesticks and Chicken Fingers **Today was C day, I had cookies too. Haha**
  8. ^^ I wanna see Juno! Doug, the best cartoon ever
  9. haha, thanks. :] I know :/ Nothing personal Spen, it's just you were in the middle of both pages....
  10. ^^ I was scared too. **I'm sorry Spencer...I kind of cut part of hair and face off....**
  11. Bluye knitted hood, RIOT! shirt underneath hoodie, Grey wash skinny jeans
  12. Well I mean, I am too--but, as long as you don't think of her as the girl you like, you should be fine. Right?
  13. Are you serious--there's no thread on this?! Huh. Well that's wierd... Anyway. I love this band. Enough. I've been listening to them since I was like...eight and the obession has only grown since.
  14. Umm...Is there a sort of blog that she has that you could join? And, there's no harm in calling someone out of the blue. Even if you like her, there's nothing wrong with just trying to get to know her, right?
  15. Well, can you talk to Emily someway besides IM?
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