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an unopened letter to the world.


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dear jerk,

thanks for not replying to any of my texts. and the fact that you were drunk off your ass is not an excuse. the next time you decide to do something like that, think about how you're not going to have me around anymore. i should've listened to my friends, and everyone else. hell, people who don't even like me tried to warn me about you, and i didn't listen. looks like i'm an idiot. and i swear if you try to say you don't know what you did, i'll probably scream. i'm sick of your shit. get it together or leave me alone. please.



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Dear .....,

Why oh why do you have to be so amazing? I'm falling more and more for you every time we hang out. I know I don't have any chance with you, and that's why it sucks. Meh.



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Dear Karley,


Since you've been in Abbotsford, all you've done is sit at Jaydee's, eat, and talk to your internet friends on skype. Even when it's just us, you don't get off of your iPhone/laptop. I'm getting pretty sick of it. If you're hanging out with me, then you're hanging out with me. Whenever we watch movies, I have to explain what's going on half the time because you're not watching it. I'm sick of you never just putting your phone down and spending time with real people.



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Dear Guro,

It is very unlucky for you that I happened to log in here and read your letter. What did I tell you yesterday? You don't know anything until you ask. For all you know, he could be madly in love with you! Sure, there is a chance he may only view you as a friend, but it's best to ask and know for certain than spend forever wondering "what if". You're a sweet, kind, talented, beautiful, intelligent girl. If he can't see that and want to be with you, then he clearly isn't worthy!




P.S: Be thankful I'm not in Norway, because I'd totally just walk right over and ask the guy straight up how he feels about you.

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Dear .....,

Why oh why do you have to be so amazing? I'm falling more and more for you every time we hang out. I know I don't have any chance with you, and that's why it sucks. Meh.




Dear guro,


he could be saying the same things about you, :)

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Dear _ _ _ _ _ _ _,


I don't even know what the hell to do with you anymore. I know this is going no where, but I like you way too much to let go of you. I just don' know anything anymore.



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Dear _________,

I have officially promised myself tonight that you are the last person for whom I will ever have feelings in my life. You were just like all the freaking others who have come and gone in my life, leaving me with nothing more than another lesson learned and another, "I told you so" from myself. I don't ever want to care about anyone else in that way again because you have officially proven my theory right.

You know damn well what you've done and you're loving every minute of it, just like him. Just like him, you work to build things up and right when I almost start to feel a sense of security, you come and tear it all down. You love it. But you will never have much in life if this is how you continue to go about treating the female species.

Damn it, I knew you were just like the last one but I had hope that maybe you were different. I thought that you were different from him but you weren't. You may have looked different, had different interests and all that jazz, but inside, you two are just the same, rotten creatures looking to tear down anyone you can. The same rotten creatures with the same rotten intentions.


Have a wonderful life and bless your heart--you'll need it. You'll never know what you have until it's gone, ungrateful brat.


-Me =]

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Dear Chris O.,


I really wish you would see what you have. You're always saying you're depressed over the stupidest shit. You've always had more friends than me, and more talents then me, i hope you know that. You've also said that nobody likes you. Not only is that untrue, but it's nothing to get depressed over. I've always had a few friends that stuck around, loving parents, but I've also had people hate me for no reason, and people that have said to my face that they wish i would die. It messes with me and i'm constantly feeling empty. this is in no way a 'my life is worse than yours' letter, but i just want you to see what you have.


I'm always there for you and if you have anything going on under your sleeves when we get back to school i'm kicking you in the nuts,


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Dearest Mother,

I am gonna do it. I really don't want to feel like this every single day. Its gonna be odd and I'm sure I'll miss you but breaking away from this stupid depressed shithole outweighs it. I'll make sure to have an awesome summer and enjoy my last year of school. Where ever its gonna be.



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Dear you.

I wish you'd stop acting the way you do. I know it's just "fun", but I wish your girlfriend knew what you say/act like towards any girl about when she's not around. She's completely oblivious and she deserves better than that. She loves you, grow up.

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Dear Guro,

It is very unlucky for you that I happened to log in here and read your letter. What did I tell you yesterday? You don't know anything until you ask. For all you know, he could be madly in love with you! Sure, there is a chance he may only view you as a friend, but it's best to ask and know for certain than spend forever wondering "what if". You're a sweet, kind, talented, beautiful, intelligent girl. If he can't see that and want to be with you, then he clearly isn't worthy!




P.S: Be thankful I'm not in Norway, because I'd totally just walk right over and ask the guy straight up how he feels about you.

Dear Shannon,

I don't even know if you'll see this, haha.

If I had the slightest feeling he liked me, I wouldn't say this. I'm seriously sure he doesn't like me.

Thank you though! <3




Dear guro,


he could be saying the same things about you, :)

Dear Erin,

He could, but I'm sure he's not ;)






Dear Katie,

PF missed you too! <3

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dear you,


why are you doing this? I know, that sounds ridiculous. I'm happy that you like me, really, it's just horrible timing. i'm already misjudging my sexuality (there, it's out everyone! i have NO idea what's going on in my head) and this is just making it crazier... I just need to figure things out..



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Dear PF:



Love katie!!



Dear "best friend",

Grow the hell up. You're 21 freaking years old. Act like it.


Dear Katie,


I missed you too. Believe it or not I wanted to message you on facebook sometime this week. :) But I'm happy you're back!



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