Fun Stuff,  News

New LJ Post – “Private Jet to Southwest”

Hayley added a new post to the band’s official LiveJournal yesterday:

whatttttt a riiiiide this last month has been. first of all, i’d just like to say that i’m updating our livejournal after having read through every single livejournal post that we’ve ever made from the very beginning. it was all incredibly inspiring for me, for some reason. i am the most tragically nostalgic person i know. and i love it. so anyway, it’s nice to be back here giving a little update on things.
we are on a flight home right now. i still can’t get over wifi in an airplane. we almost didn’t make this flight because, after making it to florida on our big pimpin’ private jet (nicknamed “chicken sandwich” – don’t ask) , we got to the next airport and the two men checking us in were having a pretty difficult time just doing the simple tasks like, counting our baggage, collecting our ID’s… you know, things like that. it was like being on episode of Come Fly With Me. (Please check this show out if you haven’t already… it’s the same guys from Little Britain). Anyway, they kept us at the check-in counter for… oh, I’d say about half an hour. At some point we just had to laugh. Then miraculously, we found ourselves at the gate and boarding our flight with about 5 minutes left til take-off. None of it really matters though because we are almost home!
Mexico and South America were both wonderful. The weather was way way colder than I thought it’d be. I basically wore the same outfit the entire trip because everything else I’d packed looked like I was headed for some type of summer beach getaway. I was so excited to actually try and look nice on this tour, too! My flannel shirt and leather jacket just smell like a month on the road. I feel so bad for all these people on the plane. Most of which have come up to us and told us they’re Paramore fans! It’s a warm welcome back to the states but man, I’m pretty embarrassed to look like this much of a scrub in all the photos we’ve taken with folks on the flight.
The coolest part is the variety of people who seem to be getting into our music now since we’ve put out the new record. Very exciting.

Well, this nearly pointless post is getting cut short because apparently we’re descending into Nashville. YEAH!! Can’t wait to see the family. Eat at all my favorite places. Relax.
Thanks so much to all the people who came out to our shows over the last month. Your passion is overwhelming and incredibly humbling. We had a blast!

Alright, I really better be going now. Ps, everyone, Teen Choice Awards this week. I may pee my pants. Or skirt. Or whatever I decide to wear.
Thanks again everyone for all your support as of late. It’s insane to have a song doing well on the radio and to have all these fun opportunities and tours coming up. We’ll see you guys really soon!
