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Status Updates posted by LilyFire


    #thedobbys are going to be great this year! I can't wait!



  3. Yeah see it sucks, if I had gone to bed at say 10pm then you're just waking up.

    It's 1:10am as I'm writing this.

  4. "Ferb, I know what we're going to duck today." Phineas & Ferb #replaceawordinafamousquotewithduck

  5. "If people were rain, I was drizzle and she was hurricane." John Green, Looking for Alaska.

  6. *important like that

  7. :( The HPFF chat hates me. I was not kicked from you, I was just trying to get it.

  8. 38 days until DH part 2

  9. Alarm is set. I shall wake up to HPin99seconds singing book 2+3 :)

  10. And for anyone who watched DW last night...what did you think? *no spoilers, please, for those who haven't watched it.*

  11. And I've made it home to disciver the internet has stopped working.

  12. And TGS is fixed :D *hugs* I'm sorry I broke you dear.

  13. And the first ever DD: a Forest Nymph: http://t.co/AmfEmtXc

  14. Are you willing to do me a favor? Please heart my story http://figment.com/books/103014-Betrayal

  15. Boss left me nothingto do. Yay! Then she takes the laptop. :(

  16. Brother wrecked his bike. Nor too bad, but don't look if you get sick really easy. http://t.co/0EgyFTgC

  17. Daily Deviation 2: http://t.co/KGYZzSYx Hope you like it :D

  18. Dear attractive guy, You had me at "hello..." Sincerely, but lost me at "I don't like Harry Potter."... http://t.co/P6VJ2gnL

  19. Dear big puddle, Bring. It. On. Sincerely, child at heart. http://t.co/RL6Rse8

  20. Dear fellow 90's kids, Remember when "talk to the hand" and light-up sneakers said it all? Sincerely, I mi... http://t.co/RrSYOir

  21. Dear GAM, "Major dilemma, do I date the guy with the iPhone or the Blackberry?" Dare I throw a third into the mix? http://t.co/iOIkDhD

  22. Dear Modern Entertainment, What ever happened to everything we grew up with in the 90's? We want it all back. Sin... http://t.co/OGzIlvcZ

  23. Dear National Association of Procrastinators, That is quite the acronym. Sincerely, I think I'll join you. http://t.co/YhXJpOU

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