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Status Updates posted by FebeVionary

  1. lah ente belum balik juga ga? betah di Jkt? wkwkwk RT @olgaontwittter: Jkt yuuuk :3 @FebeVionary: @bhebhel mau gath lagi bel? dmn?"

  2. hungreeeeh! padahal tadi udah makan, gini nih kalo abis makan ga ngemil malah laper lagi -______-"

  3. Hehe ane tanya tmn ane dulu yakRT @henzasurya: Nih colekk dikit FebeV RT @SyamTalisman: Coba deh mention ke gue kira2 http://mtw.tl/lzjm9q3

  4. Okay, preparing my psychology. Three years more :') Lord, I'm surrender

  5. RT @infojakarta: Hari ini Transformers 3 mulai diputar di South East Asia.. kecuali INDONESIA.

  6. Just wakin up cuz the sun is goin down, and headache! God, it such a flying!

  7. Well, welcome back July! I hope you'll be great to me, but I've to sleep now. sleep tight, then.

  8. You treat me just like another stranger! Well it's nice to meet you dude! I guess I'll go, I best be on mah way out!!!

  9. Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walkin distance.

  10. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.â€

  11. mysterious. who is she/he? don't be foolish, dude!

  12. ngantuk! karaokean dulu deh haha

  13. goin home. chop! chop! yeay!

  14. Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.

  15. "don't be a drug just be a queen" =p

  16. bored bored bored. bye!

  17. "don't ya ever wonder how we'd survive, but now that your gone, the world is ours" MONSTER please! #NTL88

  18. GILAAA PATAH HATI GUE! wkwkw || Victoria: Aku Cinta David 14 Tahun Lalu dan Sekarang http://t.co/u4AcoiD

  19. "I'm beautiful in my way, 'cause god makes no mistakes, I'm on the right track, I was born this way"

  20. Tu artis dibaein malah ngelunjak kelewatan ga sopan. Wes ojo nesu mbak!

  21. Oh my gah, still cant sleep! Okay, countdown start from 100.. 99.. 98.. 97.. 96.. 95.. Zzz

  22. For now you let him, just this once, just for now, and just like that it's over..

  23. ampun pak +_+' || @ishootshootya huss.. kecelakaan itu.. :P RT@FebeVionary tau aja ni pilot, udah tau mau jatuh langsung ke rs jatuhnya =p

  24. okay, time to bath darling. come to mama, Chiko =D

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