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Everything posted by GerBertMcWay

  1. aw @ hayley sitting on josh's lap :]
  2. I love these pictures omfg. But I'm still not digging all those colors in Hayley's hurr, tbh.
  3. haha I just realized, there was no backdrop thing was there? or did I completly miss it?
  4. ahhh k so I just put the pictures on my computer, but now I need to send them to my friend so she can like, edit them and stuff. buuuut here's a few good ones that don't need editing. there were a lot that have other people's cameras in them, and on the camera you can see them and I thought it was really neat.
  5. LOL I just realized I have yet to make a comment about Josh's red pants. Hahahaha maybe it was just me, but I thought they were really funny.
  6. oh and ughhhh I wanted a tote bag thing, but I didn't want to hold it the whole time but when I went back at the end there were no more >:[
  7. haha when I was up at the barricade, I ducked to aviod a crowdsufer and hit in head on the barricade in the process :]]]
  8. ohhh and I'm kind of upset I didn't get to meet them :[ we waited for like a half hour, but my mom wanted to leave and I didn't want to make her mad haha. Oh well :[
  9. cheleawelseyx.. haha I saw you, but I didn't know it was you at the time. I was behind you are the merch table when you were getting those posters. Sooo here's my story. We got to Philly at like 5, and then it started to rain D: So we went to starbucks because we didn't want to wait in line. Um, so while we were driving down South Street we saw either Gavin or Ryan, I forget, from TP and we were like HAAAAAAY! out the window lol. And then we saw David and said the same thing. Annnnd then we saw Josh, but we were out of the car and didn't stop or anything. We just passed by and said hey. So then when they let people in, we cut and got in. Love Arcade started like a half hour early, like before everyone was even in the place. I've listened to them before, and I didn't like them but they were much better live. Haha was it just me, or did the lead singer seem drunk or something? After the show I was him getting into a cab and these people were screaming at him like, "what the hell are you doing?" Haha no idea what that was about. so then This providence! I lovelovelove them. Amazing as usual. Except I didn't like how they were talking about God and stuff. I mean, not everyone belives in the same thing. And he didn't just mention it, he was talking about it for a long time. I felt like I was at church lol. After they were unsetting up, or whatever you call it, my friend Katie was like "I'M THIRSTY!" really loudly, so Dan gave her a water bottle haha. Soooo then before The Almost the crowd started pushing. Like, not shoving, it was like a lot of people pushing at once and people were like falling and stuff lol. My friend Maggie fell and I almost fell trying to help her haha. It was funny at first but then it was just pathetic. Like, there was no room to go anywhere. I really couldn't breathe. It wasn't pushing like to have fun, it was pushing to get closer, which I think is really pathetic. so I lost all my friends, by the time The Almost started. They're okay, I've listened to them before, but I didn't enjoy them at all. so them between them and Paramore, I was complaining to myself since I didn't have any friends near me to complain too haha, I was like this is the worst paramore show I've ever been to blah blah blah. But then once I stopped complaining and Paramore started to play I enjoyed it a lot. mmm soo good. I love seeing them. There was still pushing but not as much, but it was still kind of annoying. I was like, if you're gonna push so much open up a fucking pit. But no one did till like, the third to last song. Whatever. So them crowdsurfing started haha so great. I actually don't mind them at all, I think they're fun. Got kicked in the head countless times haha. So, by the second to last song, I was up at the barricade. So fucking clue how I did that. I wasn't even trying to, really. It was great. Oh, and I lost my earring :[ Haha, it was my cartilage, so I don't know how it came out. I mean, it's hard for even me to take it out when I'm trying to. But overall, it was a really great show. You guys who went, where were you in the crowd? I'll post pictures when I can, I didn't take my camera since 3 friends did, so I'll show you some of their good pictures when I get them. :]]]]]]]]]]]
  10. oh my god. i am home and showered. it was so wonderful. hjhfdkhdf i'll have pictures tomorrow. the crowd was kind of shitty at times, but wow. it was great.
  11. oh my god. how much is the sleeveless hoodie and the tote bag?
  12. ugh, the tla's name is offically changed to the fillmore. so stupid.
  13. why do you think no one else would know that song?
  14. well i meant the ones that already happened, but i guess they didn't cause it still says buy tickets..?
  15. it's going to be really crowed this year, is what i've been hearing. like, tickets should have ben sold out by now but they're gonna just keep selling them to get more monayyyyz$. haha well i won't get to see paramore because if i go, i'll go sunday..tryna see: taking back sunday all time low amber pacific catch 22 dave melillo four letter lie halifax plain white t's quietdrive the academy is... & yellowcard :]]]]]]]
  16. Go here.. http://www.mylocalbands.com/promos/fobcivic/vote.asp# and then choose the Philly date and vote Capitol Risk, please<3
  17. this is offtopic, sorry but what does the money for twloha go?=|
  18. i don't think they look very italian.like, not nearly enough to be 100%. maybe part.
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