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rizka amalia

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Status Updates posted by rizka amalia

  1. "aku besok mau berduaan ah sama kamu" yaAllah, kalimat yg begitu singkat tapi gua kangenin banget :')

  2. [DIJUAL] Ruko 2 Lantai Lokasi Strategis https://t.co/PkWmoLpkPq

  3. [Normal Ending] Went through a lot together... IOS⇒ https://t.co/sVGVsiJ0h1 And⇒ https://t.co/mHrYw9Br8M… https://t.co/h18UV057Pl

  4. [William] I won't be alone, since we made up now. IOS⇒ https://t.co/sVGVsiJ0h1 And⇒ https://t.co/mHrYw9Br8M… https://t.co/lhS87DGiJe

  5. [William] No more breakups from now on. IOS⇒ https://t.co/sVGVsiJ0h1 And⇒ https://t.co/mHrYw9Br8M #MarkedbyKingBs… https://t.co/CI8LSUW2ly

  6. @aegyotaetae JK's expression: ahh

  7. @azzaraiii @ask_AXIS Jangan dijawab min, dia modus wkwk

  8. @BTS_twt Ciee yg mau upload foto tapi fotonya ketinggalan

  9. @BTS_twt GGWP Jeon Jungkook

  10. @BTS_twt If you have a free time on August 30th, please post something on twitter because that day is my birthday

  11. @BTS_twt Thank you for your hardwork but please take a rest. You need it.

  12. @caresuga I can hear the bells ringing https://t.co/JjxPgFBKR2

  13. @daraprayoga_ Ketika gue reply ini pun sambil begadang https://t.co/Iu3cM7T3WZ

  14. @daraprayoga_ ✅ Memanfaatkan wifi untuk upgrade aplikasi-aplikasi di playstore, download game terbaru, download drama korea, anime dan film

  15. @ddongpacca @BTS_SellingINA Hai, domisili mana ya? ^^

  16. @fangurlbtss @BTSTradingINA @BTS_SellingINA Mood light nya kah?

  17. @HaloBCA Transaksi non finansial itu yang via sms ya? Bukan pakai aplikasi m-bca?

  18. @iamgranes @BTS_twt They have LG G7 because they are the ambassador

  19. @jeonggukupdates Omg first pict they like a twins

  20. @jeonluminous Hi! First, thank you for uploading burn the stage episodes ❤ i just want to tell you the episode 2 li… https://t.co/iEcr8g0JzC

  21. @KpopZone_INTV @YouTube Min, video BTS - Go Go nya yang on stage aja dong hehe kan lucu dancenya

  22. @lix_lee007 Koh, boleh bantu retweet. Ini mungkin banyak dipertanyakan bagi yang mau beli tiket Wanna One. Note: p… https://t.co/KXys0otxrh

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