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Everything posted by ikey

  1. Haduh, gini nih efek libur 3 hari.. Males kuliah -.- . Baru aja beberapa hari nanti mah berbulan-bulan ==a

  2. Just don't forget who you are

  3. Adaw adaw, msh ada tugas kalkulus, tp males ngerjainnya -.-

  4. RT @ParamoreCity: Oh star, fall down on me. Let me make a wish upon you. Hold on, let me think, think of what I'm wishing for. #paramore

  5. Sea with emotion..?

  6. I don't like when I remember that again.. And why this is happen again? ~_~

  7. You should know that, you won't know me..

  8. " you don't have to believe me "

  9. Hari ini banyakan tidurannya dr pada aktifitas :s

  10. Seneng deh kalo cuacanya ky gini

  11. Ayeee dosennya ga bisa ngajar tp mala dikasih tugas -__-

  12. Pulang kampus naik bus damri, hahay uda lama banget ga naik bus ini lagi ^^

  13. Always pray, always support.. I'm in your back ..

  14. Minggu harep aya bahan diadatn geura ie mah

  15. wah wah.. Masih banyak yg belum ngerjain ternyata --a

  16. Now is 2:14 a.m . Stilll can't finish it! :@ I'm done -_- #afk bed time, tomorow is the real nightmare ..

  17. make a coffe milk, and stay up till the job has done, wish I can -_-

  18. Algoritma = total galau! T.T

  19. Bismilah..algoritma oh noo :s

  20. What do I expected ..?

  21. " I'm not going, 'cus I've been waiting for a miracle! " #paramore

  22. Please don't bring this feelings..

  23. Besok kudu bangun rada nyubuh..brangkat jgn nyampe tersesat, langsung nyari warnet terdekat, ngerjain cepat-cepat, biar ga dipecat *naonatuh

  24. Besok kudu ngampus lagi, smanget2 (y)

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