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Status Updates posted by Paige_Rab

  1. Everytime I watch HP Goblet of Fire I cry when Cedric dies #fangirling



    Check out my cover of @paramore 'In The Mourning on tumblr! Hope i did it justice! :)

  3. Seriously thought i just saw Zac farro at the airport...but i don't think zac has a boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

  4. My brother bought a harmonica in cape cod and wont stop playing it! #readytojumpoutawindow

  5. When u drop ur ipod or iphone and the screen cracks its like a piece of you dies inside!

  6. Vocal lesson today! #yay practicing All I Wanted by @paramore kinda nervousa tough tough song!


  8. THANKS FOR TRYING CAITILN! (live at http://t.co/BII492Fw)

  9. Im gonna be so freakin tired but I dont care I cant sleep! #paramoreinpomona djjdkfkdk

  10. Pretty sure @paramore did not get my letters :( but ill give it to them when I actually see em! :(

  11. What r u doin tomorrow?

  12. Time for bed so I dont sleep until 2:30 pm again!

  13. PARAMORE FANS! Has anyone found a video of Looking Up from the pomona show? its the only one i can't find!

  14. "Like the moon we borrow our light. I'm nothing but a shadow in the night."- @paramore

  15. You know you want dem sugar skull hair pins! http://t.co/1B95Eulv http://t.co/CP7HQcOz

  16. Don't do drugs, never drink, rarely eat sweets, no fast food, lost 20 lbs in 6 weeks! #teamhealthy

  17. If hayley ''soons'' us about when the 4th album will be released we will all be dead before its ready! XD

  18. Got my online class schedule!Music theory in the fall and music business and recording in the spring! :)

  19. so only 3 people have bought my skull hair pins! :( are they that bad! http://t.co/1B95Eulv P.S Im not copying Charlavail They are different

  20. put together all 18 videos in order so we have the full Paramore pomona concert! HD! https://t.co/il0gko54 DOWNLOADABLE!

  21. Random dude just came up and gave me a hug! Gotta love hottopic for that!


    http://t.co/WrmPLz17 90s-2000s punk pop/rock mashup video! BEST THING EVER!

  23. Suicide is NEVER the answer! Breaks my heart that it happens so much! You are stronger then you know! You can make it through! #staystrong

  24. Open Rocksound pleasently surpised to find an @xchadballx interview in it! (and 5 paramore posters!)

  25. "Life is hills and valleys. As low as you feel you will have triumphs in your life that far outweigh the trials. Have faith" @yelyahwilliams

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