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Posts posted by xFueledByParamorex

  1. well there always gonna be people in each religion who make u hate it plus some people think there trying 2 help when they dont relize there not or some people dont know how 2 act or what 2 say so that life oh well i just feel sorry i mean if u dont believe it ok but it sad that there people who turn of of it

  2. there not shoving anything down anyone throats all the bands said was we like people 2 know where christians thats all they said plus paramore will tour with any band they like christian or not like on there cd release show there playing with as cities burn and there christian

  3. so if a band has christian members they wanna say something who cares if a christian tour or not the best time to preach is a non christian tour where people need 2 hear it plus the singer from this providence said he like to oplogize for the judgemental christians who make u not like us

  4. rumor has it clive davis who runs label offered her like 10 million dollars something like that 2 change 5 songs on the cd and like everyone who reviews her new cd doesnt like it sad there all mad that it not as radio friendly sounding and that kelly wrote the whole cd with her band idk it gonna be good and more mature they just rather go for money then mature but kelly wants mature

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