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Status Updates posted by jasmine84

  1. "Cut Right Through Me" sounds like a Weezer song.

  2. "Idk if this is in F or G." "It's just one instrument do what you want." "OK, F it is!" @CIsaacHanson @hansonmusic #HansonDay #fb

  3. @_hollywouldnt I remember in 08-09 when that was a thing. Hard now with phones.

  4. @_hollywouldnt It was my favorite thing so I remembered it well :)

  5. @Apple How come the Contacts icon isn’t updating on macOS to look more like iOS, like everything else? @AppleSupport

  6. @brigcorm you looking to see Ed Sheeran in Toronto next summer? I may have some extra tickets that are pretty sweet…

  7. @Bruxy hey look! Peace works! https://t.co/lIj2PolcCR

  8. @campbelljessiel Once a week over here. But it was more like once every 2-3 when I was single.

  9. @CaseyNeistat I don’t see it as a failure. It’s a new avenue for CNN to explore. I think beme news is what this gen… https://t.co/WVJrShbFlX

  10. @CaseyNeistat Slack?

  11. @cnieuwhof I had really broken sleep last night. Every time I woke up "I wonder if Carey is up yet?"

  12. @DarrellWinger Ah you went the week I was sick :(

  13. @elizabenten @taylorswift13 This explains perfectly and exactly how I felt about the whole thing!

  14. @esfaw_ Come see him Aug 8 in Toronto!

  15. @GenaGabrielle @SmilesForTaylor @hansonmusic did this, an album a night for a week in NYC. It was awesome!! Every a… https://t.co/zmmlHQq4GE

  16. @hanbartlett11 Have so much fun! I'm super jealous! I absolutely LOVED my time at ADC. Please say hi to Glenn Wooden for me :)

  17. @hanbartlett11 If you’re back to Moncton at some point there might be others left in that office :P

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