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Posts posted by paramorepilipinas

  1. oneheartbeat: It's not like crappy bad, it's just that it's not very good compared to the recording. Plus, they're a boring live band. They don't try to connect with the audience or anything. And yeah, one of the main reasons they're big is because of Champ, he's like a big celebrity here, and he's got a lot of fangirls. Lucky guy, hehe.


    Edit: But don't be discouraged by my comments, hehe. If you want to see them, come to the Philippines then. There's a whole bunch of other bands that are big here right now, and that alone I think would make the trip worthwhile. ^^

  2. ^^Yeah, they're kinda like the big thing around here (much like how the Eraserheads were in the 90s, if you knew them :D). I don't like them, though, hehe. And they suck at playing live, so I think their recordings must have been tweaked or fixed somehow 'cause when they play live it's really really bad!

  3. ^^Going here right now would not be a good idea. Weather during this time of the year is a little weird, it'll rain hard then its stops instantly and the sun comes on full blast.. major case of nausea from the weird weather, hehe.


    Summer is the best time to go! Beaches galore!

  4. heartradmusic: Do they have that store in San Diego? Coz I'll be going to San Diego next year after I graduate, and I might stay in the US for about 3 months. Just vacationing before I go on jobhunts. LOL.


    liarsxgoxtoxhell: It sucks if you look at it from that point, but for a third world country, we have a fairly good scene here.

  5. pxnk_maria:

    Yeah, the scene here is so much different from other countries. Underground music stores usually only carry pirated (computer burned cds) albums and merchs.


    I went to the US about a year ago, and I was really surprised at how band merchs got around. Coz here, band merchs usually translates to just their CDs, and rarely do bands here have their own shirts and stuff.

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