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Status Updates posted by ewan_whose_army

  1. @pnehlen @realDonaldTrump God you lot aren't half ignorant aren't you.

  2. I want to give @yelyahwilliams a hug, depression can be a bitch to go through on your own

  3. Maybe we should all stop paying taxes so none of it goes to fund the DUPs transphobic, Doministiositc bullcrap #DUPCoalition

  4. @Cap_howdy If its any help mine has just come back up

  5. I wish @duponline would get the fuck out of my country #QueensSpeech #GE2017

  6. @IanTaylorTU @HabsyP @eddiefara @HannahAlOthman Isn't the Landlord the council in this case?

  7. @GameoGraham @DUPleader @NigelDoddsDUP Because our Fleeeggg is similar to their Fleeegggg

  8. @StephenOfEire fleeeegggg

  9. #dupcoalition How long will it be until we send a formal declaration of war to the Vatican ?

  10. #DUPCoalition Well shit

  11. @portraitof PR would mean these are the norm

  12. Like nothing matters in the grand scheme of things, not my failure of a life #unpopularopinion

  13. #BritishNoGoAreas Wetherspoons on a Saturday night if you are trans

  14. @SocialRepose His gun tat on the video looks like a penis.Also say Hai to Jaclyn

  15. ok https://t.co/NRdI4lZNtf

  16. #IDAHOBIT2017 Who came up with that acronym ?

  17. Why would someone want to watch a show about a toilet in a night club?

  18. Photo: The BNE Tour was awesome !  http://t.co/HpvFupnoPY

  19. Photo: Britain Britain Britain #IDontLikeIt I really want to live here http://t.co/NYdKbuPCwa

  20. Photo: My first tattoo is healing nicely #LGBT http://t.co/in0RsqarLM

  21. Nice to see #WorldMentalHealthDay trending, depression ain't fun

  22. A Leprechaun told me to burn things

  23. I never understood why someone would want to tattoo their face.

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