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Status Updates posted by Charliex

  1. RT @rago_starrk: Yo, esperando para entrar a la beta de #DragonBallFighterZ https://t.co/3hA60S4cx4

  2. Nada más feo a que te cambien una junta a tu hora de comida.

  3. Nintendo keeps coming for my wallet.

  4. @TheWalkingJosh And they are enjoying every second of it.

  5. Aún busco poder llenar ese vacío que "The Civil Wars" dejó.

  6. Y se acabó el Home Office... De regreso a la oficina como buen Godinez.

  7. Algo me dice que este año será aún mejor que el pasado. Esperemos sea verdad.

  8. Que te autoricen Home Office toda la semana por el frío.

  9. Pero está esa pequeña parte que anhela ya dormir todo el camino.

  10. RT @animalcrossing: I have a fun idea… Let's all retweet this tweet! If we can get to 100K retweets worldwide, we'll give everyone 20 Leaf…

  11. Monos de nieve everywhere.

  12. RT @NBCTheVoice: RETWEET TO #VoiceSaveJanice!

  13. RT @shanedawson: IT FINALLY HAPPENED!! DADDY GOT MERCH HE DOESNT HATE!!! https://t.co/lEfhyDYl6K

  14. It's not that I don't feel the pain, It's just I'm not afraid of hurting anymore. ❤

  15. RT @monlaferte: Luna, tu que lo ves...

  16. RT @JorgeDWilliams: Prometemos ir a cada concierto que @paramore haga en México. Viajaremos juntos y haremos lo posible por estar en frontr…

  17. RT @paramore: @liveoutoficial was rad. thanks @wearephoenix & @The_xx for being so cool ☮️

  18. RT @yelyahwilliams: @monlaferte YOUR VOICE !!!!!!!!!

  19. Pedimos al @CongresoNL que respete nuestras formas de pago #UberParaTodos @diputadosPANNL @DiputadosPRI_NL https://t.co/6y4dA95eiU

  20. RT @JordanRabjohn: If anyone has any questions about my time on @TheXFactor comment & I'll answer them all!

  21. @JordanRabjohn You were my fav contestant for this season. You're awesome! Sad to see you go, but excited to see what's next for you.

  22. @pinkyelyah @paramorehayley_ Tbh her Playing God look is one of my favorites

  23. Now I see that colors are everything.

  24. RT @AmericanIdol: #FirstDayofFall AND some fresh tunes from some of our Idol favs! Now playing: @HaleyReinhart #WhatsThatSound https://t.co…

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