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Posts posted by xhappyxsomedayx

  1. Two chicks were flat out drunk in my curr. issues in science class last period. They were drinking right in front of the teacher, but he didn't care because he is that cool. He is against the system. And he told them not to look anyone in the eyes because you could tell my looking at them they were totally cocked. But it was the best class ever though because it was just way to funny.

  2. Today we had a pep rally. The whole time there was a chanting war between us seniors and juniors. (they think they are all that and a bag of chips, to bad that they are all whores.) Seniors won that war. I think it was the craziest pep rally in the four years that I have been in high school. Everyone was going nuts. (and the cheerleaders sounded like men...like always.)

    Tomorrow is our homecomming game. I'm not going.

  3. Today was the second day of spirit week. (check 'post your pictures' for three pictures from today in a little bit)

    Mix and Match day. Recipe for disaster.

    A boy was wearing a thong outside his pants. Yes people a THONG! And he flaunted that thing like no other.

    Me and my friend changed shoes and socks. And that was our mixing and matching for the day.

    Tomorrow is crazy hair day. and I still haven't got my hair dye.

  4. Yeah, I am selling candy for our class because we need money for prom and the senior trip and well, theres some candy in the case called 'toucan toes'. just the name alone makes you want to barf. But some kid in my current issues in science class bought them and he thought there were good and all his friends thought there were gross. Then they were throwing them around like immature idiots like they are.

    Next week is spirt week. Expect to hear a lot of funny shit about that. and pictures. lol

  5. Went to my guidance today to talk about college. I have to work on those damn applications. I rather poke my eyes out with a stick.

    In Spanish, I never realized my teacher was so odd and cool at the same time. He's a total punk inside. He's got the converses and buttons on his jacket. And he's got a baby hanging from the ceiling with a 'third eye'

    My sociology teacher was wearing a shirt that said, 'I traded my girlfriend for ESPN'. We talked about it for the whole class.


    If I hear another work about triangles and trig funtions, someone is gonna get shot.

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