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Posts posted by trendkiller

  1. aw, i hope you have fun. i wanted to go to that but the closest WTK is coming to their own hometown is 3 hours away. which is weird, especially it being THEIR headlining tour. oh well.


    sorry i cant help you out with a setlist, but you could try messaging the band(s) on myspace or one/some of the members? WTK usually reply to messages

  2. This might have been answered, but I'm going to order off of their official store and I needed to know. How do the clothes fit? I'm getting the More More More shirt and the Paramore is a Band hoodie. I usually wear an extra large or large, in junior sizes. So just wondering. I don't like my clothes to be huge on me so I like to ask. :lol: This is why I don't order online often.


    Adult Small (or just Small) = Girls Large


    Girls Medium is about the size of Youth Large, give or take a little in the length (GM is usually longer & slim, YL is usually wider & a little shorter)


    sizes also depend on the brand of shirt they're printed on. but thats usually how it goes

  3. hm. not so sure about that. but i know theres an interview (via video) where they talked about guilty pleasures food-wise. i know hunter said he likes tropicana orange juice but i dont think that'd be something good to get them haha i cant remember what else they said though, sorry =/

    depending when you're seeing them, you could try messaging them on myspace & asking them. they always answer messages. but now that they've gotten more popular, it'll probably take a while to get a response.

  4. haha they're so funny

    i cant believe their video is premiering on MTV! thats huge. i remember when i first started listening to them, absolutely no one had heard of them. i'm so happy :]

    they need to do their next video in their home, 941! ..cause i wanna be in it. lol

  5. luckyy! how was it?? that's a stupid question...i bet it was amazing!


    once again, i am extreeemely late on this.. but yes the show was amazing! and having them play so close to home was awesome because you could feel the excitement and the happiness from them. and there were soo many people there, so much more than i expected. and people were moshing and jumping like crazy. it was just awesome to see that WTK have so many loyal fans and have grown so much since their CD release, its crazy to see how big they're getting just since october! but i love it and i couldn't be happier for them :)


    anywho; that was longer than need-be. and im sorry about the late reply again.. im really bad at checking these boards.

  6. thankss!

    noo I didn't get to meet them before the show so I didn't get a chance to ask them to.

    aww that's too bad! i'm sorry =/


    i'm seeing them again next week :)

    it's like a late christmas present. cause it's dec 27. anywho; i'm excited.


    sorry i'm so late on replying to you, i don't go on the computer much anymore; and when i do, i rarely go on boards

  7. okay thankss

    no All Again For You makes me kinda sad :( haha

    I'll persuade them to play it with my cookies!


    ah, that's my favorite song of theirs. i'm sure they'll play it for you if you ask them. especially if you give them cookies, that will make them even more willing to play it. lol

  8. when i saw them they played songs 1-5 on their CD.


    Secret Valentine

    Skyway Avenue

    Check Yes, Juliet

    Stay Young



    they might switch it up a bit, but they always play Skyway Avenue. and i'm pretty sure they always play Check Yes, Juliet & Secret Valentine. but they might decide one day not to. lol

  9. I believe it says $10. Also I definitely will get that Tour t-shirt and the paramor is a band t-shirt.


    Paramore is coming to Florida just not as their own tour. I'm going to Buzz Bake Sale and they'll probably be selling the merchandise there I'm sure. (I hope)


    yeahh i know, but the Buzz Bake Sale is too far from me to get a ride to. and 97X in tampa is too expensive, plus the pit's already sold out. which is pretty upsetting cause i haven't seen paramore live since their headlining tour in 06.

  10. ^yeah i went to that tour a couple weeks ago & it was such a great show!

    We The Kings were amazing, not that i expected less of course.

    and i guess they did a short little acoustic thing after my show, but it was a school night & i was about 2 1/2 hours from home. so we couldn't stay =/

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