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Posts posted by DoSomethin

  1. Half of my white friends (i'm black btw, not that it matters) all said that he's probably "going to get shot before he's sworn in." I don't believe that for one second. His security if anything is tighter than ever now.


    Still, I've heard some really nasty and rude comments not only from here but elsewhere. It's sad, but hopefully people who aren't for him now, will be in the near future.

  2. wow! Haha

    atm doing that is the best way.

    If you done like it stop looking at this thread!









    but i too am VERY happy :)!


    What makes me laugh is that most of you are celebrating like you had some part in it, when you didn't even vote.


    Are you serious? Just because someone didn't vote doesn't mean they're not apart of it. We're living through history, we have opinions and thoughts, that's enough.


    I didn't feel like reading through the last 3495340 pages but I did read back a few. I can't believe some of the posts I read.

    • Like 1
  3. I loved Josh's solo, freakin amazing. They really should of been on the main stage. Why does MTV love to not give the people I love all they deserve?


    Britney finally got her moonman and will hopefully win more/perform so i can't say anything.


    and Paramore should of been on the freakin MAIN STAGE! WTF!

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