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Posts posted by Anderew

  1. Heres a little bio about Zac from an article from Modern Drummer Magazine.


    Hey, I'm Zac Farro, and I play in a band called Paramore. I'm sixteen years old, and I've been playing drums for about six years. I love playing drums and I wouldn't play any other instrument, mostly because I cannot play anything other than drums.


    Paramore is the first real band I've been in. Josh, my brother (who is also in Paramore), and I have played around in local bands since we were little, but none of those bands ever did anything like Paramore has. On the road, I play a set of Truth drums with a 20x24 kick, an 8x14 snare, a 7x12 rack tom, a 16x16 floor tom, and a 16x18 floor tom.


    I use Pro-Mark sticks, Meinl cymbals, Evans drumheads, and Gibraltar hardware. We are currently doing a headlining tour, and after this we'll go to the UK for some festivals and headlining shows. Then all summer long we are co-headlining the Vans Warped tour. I'm super excited…it's going to be a fun year for our band.


    Paramore has a new record, called RIOT!, which will be coming out on June 12. I'm really excited about this record. We all worked really hard on it, and we're very proud of our work. On the record I used a set of DW drums, with a 20x24 kick, an 8x12 rack, and 14x16 and 16x16 floor toms. I also used Meinl and Zildjian cymbals.


    Thanks to Modern Drummer for letting me write a little bit about myself. I remember reading MD when I was younger and thinking how amazing it would be if I ever had something about me in there, and now I do. It's awesome…thanks so much!


    Zac Farro

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