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Posts posted by megazord

  1. well because in the ending hayley does a run through of the one-armed scissor lyrics twice, the first time she sings different lyrics (a jagged pulse runs through my veins) as she used to sing the wrong words, so she does this the first time round, then the second time she does the correct lyrics (jagged pulp sliced in my veins). dunno if its by accident but it tends to be this way.

  2. It is the centre pages. And I'm not too sure that they have to ask the band to use it, it's from a shoot for a feature Kerrang did ages ago, so the band probably approved the pictures back then. Then again, I doubt they even needed Paramore's approval back then, its not like they got it for the article :roll:

  3. I swear some people on these boards just don't read. If you want to talk bollocks about Winehouse, just leave it out of this thread, go rant somewhere else. This is about Paramore, the Grammys and musical achievement, not how you "h8 amy winehaws she iz so ghey takin all dese drugs n ev she haz no talent lolzz". Thankyou!

    • Like 1
  4. Thank god for that.


    Stop throughing rocks at Amy Whinehouse. She has serious problems and she's sure not the only one. Drugs is the fault of her actions. Would you be this mean to your friend who has a drug problem and wins something over someone else? I don't think so.


    So stop crying about that Paramore didn't get anything. You all sound like 5-year old kids whose mom won't buy them a lollipop at the local wall-mart.




    Erica has left the building.




  5. Uh, since when is amy whinehouse a singer?

    i thought she was just in the papers cuz' she was some famous dudes' bitch and she took drugs =/


    1) Her husband isn't famous.

    2) Since when is she a singer? I'm not a fan personally but I have ears, she has a great voice.

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