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Posts posted by brokenbeauty

  1. well the #1 thing i want is to not be sick on christmas, but thats not gonna happen so...


    1.) Get my hair permanently highlighted (i love color fiend, but it never lasts :()

    2.) the final riot DVD (i didn't get it yet :crybad:)

    3.) black nadara boots <3

    4.) a bunch of different band tees (paramore, pierce the veil, otep, senses fail, ect.)


    6.) a crap load of CDs, DVDs and seasons of TV shows


    yeah :]

  2. ugh i always get sick over any break.

    this time i have RSV.


    and another thing

    wanna know what really annoys me?

    when people you barely know, who you aren't even friends with, come and complain to you.

    i get that people need someone to talk to but i really really REALLY to the highest extent hate it when people i'm not friends with complain to me about shit that doesn't matter and that i can in no way fix

    like their annoying brothers and sisters, them being grounded and blah blah blah.


    what i can't stand is when people stick their damn heads into mine or anyone elses business. its not your fucking business!

    and i hate it when people are in a relationship and they ask the other person never to hurt them and then they break up and they're just like

    'well they said they'd never hurt *cry cry cry*'

    first off, when you join a relationship, you are bargaining. You get love but you also get pain because love hurts. so if someone promises they'll never hurt you, they're lying and you shouldn't be pissed when they break your heart. if a relationship is going to work, you are occasionally gonna get hurt. deal with it!


    ok i'm done ranting :]

  3. I'm sure all of you have heard of hawthorne heights

    But as of yesterday (11-24-08)

    Its been a year since the death of their guitarist/screamer Casey Calvert,

    Who died at 26 of an accidental overdose

    I'd just like to show my appreciation to this amazing man by posting a thread on here in his honor

    Please, if you knew this band well or even if you didn't, please pay your respects because he definatley deserves them


    RIP Casey Calvert

    You Shine Brighter Than Anyone <3

  4. Fight! Fight! Fight!

    So Much For Sweet Talk

    Aubyn Beth (AKA Beauty And The Breakdown)

    The Title


    Jessie Brune


    i don't think any of these are from my town

    but they're some really good unsigned bands from little towns and stuff like that

  5. well one day when i was looking for some eyes set to kill sites (who are another amazing band http://myspace.com/eyessettokill)


    I stumbled upon Fight! Fight! Fight!

    who i noticed had a girl lead singer

    and love girl lead singer bands

    so naturally, i looked them up on myspace


    they are AMAZING!

    simply amazing!

    and they're like paramore which is also awesome

    they're now my myspace song





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