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Status Updates posted by hubabalou

  1. Now,in Japan, there are more than 1000 people who the dead and missing person. It is very scary. From:ã‚Šã•ã“(Japan) http://bit.ly/f59sOc

    is your country ok?


    In Japan


  3. Hey faith!

    i have a question...could you possibly make me a sig? it has kind of a lot to do with blending i guess and since your blendings are always perfect (unlike mine) i thought i may ask you :)

  4. HELLO!

    nice to meet you.

  5. Whatever. they all love it secretly anyway haha

  6. Haha indeed! It gets harder to defned when they also find Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Avril Lavigne and Kelly Clarkson in my library though hahaha

  7. Oh not at all, if people don't like what I listen to then I don't care, I like what I lsiten to and that's what's important. It's just a bit of a pain to be told that listening to Demi is "gay", heaven knows I have a hard enoguh time trying to shake that tag off by my looks alone haha

  8. Extremely talented. It's a shame it's "gay" to be a guy and like her music.

  9. Don't laugh, you know she's amazing.

    Ohhh sweet, I'll have to check it out later though, enjoying Transit too much though haha

  10. After first listen, I'm really loving the new Anberlin album.

  11. I've not listened to it yet, I've just been listening to Demi Lovato and the new Transit album haha

  12. Okay. Facebook message me? or PM me on here? Sorry for the late reply.

  13. yeah i was gonna ask if you wanted the contact for it. but just that i couldn't send the email.

    yeah i guess you can, i dont run it or anything though.

  14. hey sorry, just saw your message.

    I'm not sure if it's too late or not for Warped. I sent my requests around May/June. I'm sorry!

  15. Oh that's cool, thanks:)

  16. Hey, um did you get my PM like a couple days ago:P

  17. I actually want a lower back tattoo to be honest... but on a guy? :nono: not smart.

  18. I made a tutorial on how to do it in PS3 a while ago, it's pretty much the exact same in PS4 :) It's on this page: http://paramorefans.com/boards/index.php?/topic/10523-guros-graphics/page__st__1260 . Let me know if you need anymore help :)

  19. Hello :)

    I do, what program do you use?

  20. rainymood.com makes everything so much better.

  21. Hahah if only. When I'm off work next week I'll try and whip something up.

  22. I know I don't have any of me talking normal haha. I might try and make one again but it'll fail.

  23. Yeah I was sitting like "right, speak normal" then I'd play it back and I'd be like ffffuuuuu-

  24. I speak weird in person to people I don't really know. Like, my PF accent videos aren't how I actually properly speak. I keep trying to do a 'proper' one but subconsciously I don't seem to want to use my normal voice aha

  25. Yeah, I'm quite well spoken in person too. I just sound more common cause of my voice. Plus I'm not really 'myself', per se, on here.

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