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Posts posted by iOta

  1. Not sure where this puts me (in the minority/majority), but I'm just generally not a big fan anymore of the distinctive external appearance thing anymore.

    I think it's cool for stuff like dress up parties, or if you're in a band, and need to look the part on stage (like being in a metal band, wearing a lot of black maybe, or in a punk band, so with the skate shoes, jeans and stuff, or whatever), but the older I get, the more it just strikes me as silly to go about every day life looking like.......well, just weird.

    Yeah, I used to always wear heavy metal band t shirts, always used to wear crazy, old worn out jeans, but I just got older, grew out of it, matured and now just dress really conservatively and much nicer than I used (except when I go skateboarding occasionally, I wear old crappy clothes because I don't want to ruin my good clothes).

    I think it's just easier to dress and look 'normal'. I've found that way, people don't look at me weird, people in the street don't harass me and don't seem repulsed by me like they do to my friends who chose to look externally different because of the way they dress/makeup/piercings etc. As such, I don't have any piercings, have never changed my hair color and don't really wear clothes that make people instantly think I belong to a sub culture (like pop punk, metal, goth, indie etc).

    Even though I really love rock music, and of course, metal, a lot of times if someone just saw me in the street, it wouldn't be obvious.

    I think there's something really awesome about that, because instead of it being blatantly obvious, it kinda keeps you guessing about what the person could be like

    I've always found it interesting, that usually, the most interesting and deep people I meet are those who don't dress and look distinctive at all.

    If you want to really stand out from the pack, just read a lot, learn a lot, develop an understanding of the world around you.

    Learn about stuff bigger and more important than yourself, like arts, science, history, whatever really.

    In a way, I think it's kind of a cheap way to make yourself seem more interesting.


    And really, if you are truly worried about what people will think if you do it, why put yourself through the stress of doing it and then having to worry? Your post has made it clear you care about what others think and how they'll perceive you and there is nothing wrong with that, it's human, and it's normal.

    Some people say "I don't care what others think", but it's bullshit, because there isn't a person in the world who doesn't care what others think at least to some extent. In fact, the people that go ON AND ON about not caring about what others think, I've found are always the people that care what others think to an unhealthy and obsessive degree.

    I care about what others think of me to some extent. Is it a bad thing? No. It's just being realistic and truthful to myself.


    Sorry if that was a bit long winded, but food for thought, from the perspective of a male who's almost 22 years old and been through the whole teenage thing.


    Oh my. Just like me.


    But from a perspective of a female who's over 21 years old.

  2. how old is his roommate? At some point he needs to just tell him to get the hell out. You shouldn't have someone else holding up your finding a better place.


    Jo has been helping to apply a new appartment which can take some time because he's a student with no job and blaa blaa. I find him weird, though he's a lot nicer than Jo's last roommate. Eww.


    can't wait to move into our own home.

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