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Posts posted by princeendo

  1. The shady things I did, I admit completely.

    Let's admit it--it's fun to talk bad about people.

    The whole conversation we had was mostly for understanding. I didn't really mean for everything to turn into a bash session. However, it's not like I stopped it once it did.


    You and I both know that I admitted to him my wrongdoings, too. I gave him a long, long speech about that, which I believe you've seen.


    As for trust--I don't know why you would think I wasn't trustworthy. I made mistakes, felt the need to come clean about them, and felt the need to inform someone of the wrongs against him. What we did was wrong, and in my poisoned mind I convinced myself otherwise.


    I knew that in doing this, I was going to lose your trust. I have no intention of keeping it. While I may or may not be able to earn it at a later date, I still stand behind what I have done. It is the circumstance of now.


    I don't know what much else I can really say right now, but given my ability to talk ad nauseum, I'm sure I'll have more to add later.

  2. All right...I'll say it here.

    First off, what I've done, I've done in poor taste.

    I went behind your back telling Diego the things I did.

    I didn't have the courage to face you directly and tell you the things I wanted to.


    My reasoning:

    1. There was already a ton of truth being upheaved

    2. I was noticing that you didn't seem to be coming clean to everyone about what you'd done, too

    3. I felt like Diego deserved to know when someone he really trusted was not being loyal to him.


    Have I been perfect? That answer is pretty obvious right now. I didn't post in the other thread because that's not my deal. You've called me out here, so I will respond to anyone who has questions.


    ha. My sig quote would be ashamed of me.

  3. lol jarrod nope i havent


    & colin i think u have a pretty good shot i loved it haha.

    i think my favorite video of you is that time when u were singing or something that u sent to me like a long long long long long time ago haha. ok off topic sorry.


    I know, I'm continuing the off-topic-ness, but what video are you talking about Kristina? What was I singing?


    So I heard from someone that winners won't be contacted until today probably because they don't want the info to leak. That can't be true, though, I don't think. I mean, that gives the person like 3 days to prepare, right?


    Not cool, in my opinion.

  4. In fact, it seems like the contest rules were kinda just slapped together, with stipulations made for "winners" just in case they added people onto the list.


    I'll agree with you...the nature of a contest is to exalt some and humble others. It's not designed to give everyone what they want.


    As a side note to my other post, I'll be disappointed if I lose, but not really upset. I can't stamp my feet and say that I deserve it. I've had plenty of good experiences with the band.

  5. haha, next time yall should actually sing it. thatd be better haha
    ^colin u did hanson woo hahaha finally another video. my friend is seeing hanson tonight.. isnt that weird? haha.


    Just replying to you both...

    We actually *did* sing along in the original edit.

    Something happened between recording and editing that destroyed the ability for us to sync it correctly.

    I DO remember you saying something about that, Kristina. Wasn't she like, super excited about it? That's hardcore dedication right there.

    I guess I should stop being off-topic now. I'm sorry.


    The official rules say the winner will be announced to the public on March 6th on the YouTube page, the registration page and through other affiliated sites (probably myspace, LJ, etc.) So, I'd assume they'll get in touch with the winner first, get everything worked out, and then announce it...


    So I'm guessing I didn't win, since I've heard neither hide nor hair from the band.

    (Sorry to kill your predictions/hopes/dreams, Brent.)

    Do you have any idea when runners-up will be announced?

    Kill me for my arrogance, but I'll be kind of upset if I don't make it.

  6. I can't wait to find out, so I can accept my loss and go home.

    The suspense is killer.

    Frankly, I'm just crossing my fingers that I get one of the runner-up prizes.


    thank god. over haha. it was definitely fun to watch basically all those videos and see what ppl had. definitely picked up like mad the last two days. good luck to the pf'ers, if one of yall dont win ill be bummin.


    I just felt like replying to this to get your attention.

    Tell your bro I have a new video up:


    However, let him know not to keep the bar high.

    We didn't get to do what we wanted to do.

  7. Yeah, but you're way funnier than me. In mine, all you have to focus on is my awful singing, the out of sync audio, the tie, the carseat and the giant SUV that passes me, lol.


    What's funny is that those are EXACTLY the things I focused on.

    In mine all you can focus on is my weird spatula and kitchen sink, so it's no biggie.

  8. yea no kidding that was ridiculous.


    btw, colin, you are like my brothers hero. he saw ur video and watched it probably 30 more times straight thru.


    just thought ud like to know u have a huge fan out there. lol


    Hooray for fans!

    Tell your brother he has excellent taste. ;)

    Has he watched the other video I made with my roommate?


    Y'know, I figured he'd be watching the ones with the pretty girls...

  9. You guys all rock. Awesome stuff :)


    And, in the NOT awesome stuff category, we have...




    LOL...I never should have done that...or posted it. Very, very sad. Sincere...but sad, lol :)


    Ok, you made a video, but not the one of my suggestions?

    I know we've had a talk about this, but dang.

    I'm sorry. Mandatory.



    OMG I just realized i had forgotten to submit once i uploaded. i just did it, but if it's all EST it's late by less then 20 minutes! i filed out the form and stuff, and like, gave the link, just didn't submit the video to the group. i hope it's okay


    You have another day to do it. No probs.

  10. Does WMM have trouble with Quicktime files?

    (Apparently it does, from when I checked.)


    Welllll, you could always try transcoding it via VLC.

    Problem is, the quality will suffer. Kinda against what you want.


    Question: How big is the filesize? I don't mind converting it for you and sending it back to you. (I've got some pretty good tools and know-how, as other people might be able to attest.)

  11. haha no probably not. my brother just filmed me. no concept or anything.



    EDIT::: the file is too large for youtube, because i have a pro camera aand it makes everything like, perfect. so idk how to upload it to youtube.


    Well, can you insert it into Windows Movie Maker (or similar) and compress it down before uploading? It seems to work pretty well for most people.


    this ends tonight at midnight right?


    Tomorrow night at midnight, the uploading ends. 11:59 PM, March 1, per the rules.

  12. I should have quoted who I'm responding to.


    I don't really think it's extreme to make a myspace to promote the winning of a contest. It's an effective use of social networking, I think. It could be said that posting thousands upon thousands of times on fan boards is a little extreme, by that logic. I don't believe dedication should be looked down upon.


    You can be an extremely dedicated fan without being signed to a fansite. Just because many of the "hardcore fans" have found a home here, there should be no implication that all fans MUST go to fansites.

    *P-->Q does not mean Q-->P*


    As a side note to that, I wouldn't have come to this thread if I hadn't found out that Diego linked my video to it. I would like to consider myself a pretty dedicated fan, though.


    The point: Very few, if any, of us entered with any intention other than winning. If one is to win, he or she should be willing to do any (ethical) thing to secure that victory. Anything else sort of defeats the purpose, especially in a contest such as this.


    /end rant.


    Edit (Add rant): While I actually agree with everyone on principle that trying to pull heartstrings in order to secure victory seems shady, I believe that the tearing down of other entrants (especially those who are not present to defend themselves) is against the nature of the contest. If you do not believe her to be entertaining, hope that the band feels the same. I believe that the building up of other contestants would be much better.

  13. Probably the friends of the Franklin piano girl...they seem very defensive...


    Actually, all the vids are getting pretty low ratings once they've been up awhile...at least last time I looked it seemed that way...people are probably voting everyone else down so they look better...


    You convince Ash to do part of it and I'm in...we'll splice it together somehow, lol :)


    Psh, you gotta convince her.

    She don't listen to me.

  14. LOL - now you've also gone far beyond my digital video/editing skills...not to mention I don't actually have a digital video camera, so I'd be filming all this with my crappy as hell 2 megapixel Canon Powershot whatever...but this is pretty hilarious...


    Yeah, they are...hey Ash, why don't you do this? :D If only you lived closer...



    For real...somebody has to do this.

    I won't let my ideas go to waste.

    You or Ash (or somehow a combination of both via editing?) need to make this video.

    I command it (with my non-existent power).


    And who the fudge keeps rating my video badly?

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