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Posts posted by bornforthis___x

  1. You can vote. Or start a blog. Or go to rallies. I went to the Rally to Restore Sanity and with all the poeple that were there, and that watched it online and on tv, it's obvious the majority of Americans are civil, intellegent people. They just aren't vocal enough, I guess because we're too civil :P We need more things like that to get heard. The reason you hear all the extreme stuff in the media is because those are the people who are really vocal about things.

  2. I agree with what you're saying and I can't tell you how many times I've threatened to move to Canada. But when I think about it I don't think I could really do that. I'm sure this is going to sound terribly cliche but I'd like to think that there is something I can do to make a difference and change this. I'd rather stay and try to make my country the best it can be than give up and leave it.

  3. I'm not a vegetarian but I kind of think it's wrong to eat animals. I know this is really hypocritical and I feel bad about it but I just cannot do it. On one hand, I'm a Christian and I think God put animals here for our benefit, but I don't think that means we need to be cruel to them. I also feel like we are intellegent enough at this point to understand that it's wrong, and know how to get what we need from meat from other food. It just makes sense to me.

    But I just cannot give up meat. Everytime I try, I cave and eat a burger. But I totally respect anyone who is a vegetarian. You're awesome.

  4. Today I started researching what it would take to move to Australia. I've considered this many times but never actually thought seriously about it. No matter how directly or indirectly related the events may be, I'm finding it increasingly difficult to live in a country where the politicians, deliberately or not, suggest to their followers that they should take up arms and kill people who disagree with you, and then the followers actually go ahead and do it. This isn't America anymore. This is Iran, this is Afghanistan, this is a fucking mess. We're facing down a civil war of extremists against extremists and anyone who wants to be a rational voice in the middle gets blocked out by the vitriol on both sides.


    I know exactly what you mean. The extemism needs to stop. I find it shocking that grown adults can't grasp simple concepts that kids learn when they're 5. Like sharing, compromising, just plain getting along.

    But I think that the middle/rational voice isn't neccessarily blocked out. I think it's that were are too, well, calm and rational, to have ridiculous protests and yell and act stupid, which is unfortunately what gets you heard.


    I was so sad when I heard this, it's just horrible.

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