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Posts posted by emergency.<3

  1. ` have you written/recorded any songs for your next album yet and/or thought of a name for it yet?

    ` for hayley:: what's your next hairstyle going to be? =P

    ` would you consider doing an acoustic version of Let The Flames Begin? =P

    ` what artist/band is the inspiration for Paramore's music {if there is any}?

    ` if you could have lunch with any celebrity or band/group, dead or alive, who would it be?

    ` what's the nicest thing a fan ever gave you?

    ` what's the craziest thing a fan has ever done to get your attention?

    ` what advice would you give to other artists/bands trying to become successful?

    ` is the song "Misery Business" based on a true story? if so, what is that story?


    thanks! =P

  2. holy shizz! =P

    i know you're obv. not talking about me because today's not my birthday, but my name is casey too xD


    anywayz, happy birthday other casey! =P


    btw, to avoid confusion, you can call me casedilla if you want =]

    it's kind of my nickname [you know, it sounds like quesadilla, the mexican food? hahaha =P my best friend thought of that]

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