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Posts posted by .omgpinkk-

  1. Kay well, I saw my first lights concert November 13th.

    and Jivi (my friend i met on pfc, not sure if he comes on here) gave my bestfriend

    a meet and greet ticket.. so i went and stood by her and they gave me a backstage pass to.

    so i went with her to meet lights. She was so nice, absolutly amazing!

    She knew who i was when i walked up.. she was like "i saw you from somewhere.. whats your twitter"

    and i told her my twitter was paramoreer

    and then she asked me if my name was jenna and i told her yeah... and

    i gave her my scrapbook and she said she remembered me tweeting her about it.

    she loved it and then she signed Jivi's cd and a poster for me.


    Then the concert came I was first row practically sitting on the stage.

    She is so good in concert, I wish she would have played longer!

    Shes very interactive with the crowd so it made it really fun.

  2. I have some pictures I took at Warped that you can add on there, i'll also write a letter.

    When's the deadline?


    Ill say november 3rd. so it gives me time to get it all together between school and soccer hah (:

  3. So what have you got/plans for the scrapbook?


    just like people submitting a page of whatever they want like a drawing

    or letter or anything and im putting it on a normal sized paper and

    glueing it to a colorful paper and decorating. hahah


    nothing fantastic since ive just thought of doing it like a week ago haha


    oh and me and my friend are making a comic to put in it also

  4. Well, my sister loves Lights, so I'll ask her to contribute to this for you. :)



    okay sweet (:


    I've got some pictures i took if you want? :)


    sure haha


    anythings welcome.

    i dont want it to be empty haha.

  5. i've pretty much lost hope they'll ever come to western canada themselves haha


    not to just come into the conversation or anything .... *shifty*


    yeah, ive lost hope too :(

    ill just have to save up all i can to go to the states or something

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