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Shine Brighter

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Posts posted by Shine Brighter

  1. That's great, Taylor! :] Will you bring me, too? :D

    anyways which is the other band are you gonna see too?


    Haha of course I'll bring you!

    AFI is opening for them. (: I'm so excited!


    seeing them on saturday OMG :D :D WOOOO


    my friend rang me as they are playing tonight too, they sound amazing


    Ahhhhh have fun, James!

  2. She has a very trailer park look. I think it works for her, cause she's not that pretty TBH


    So you're saying that people from trailer parks aren't that pretty?

  3. Attractive... Barely. Whenever I see her perform all I can think about is how many STD's she's gotten.




    Ke$ha is a very dirty woman, she looks like she showers once a month. That's just a rough estimate, though.


    More like once a year.

  4. Well I'm so sure that they'll play there some time this summer.

    Where do you live exactly, Taylor?


    I hope so. :[ It just worries me that they haven't accounced it yet.

    I live near San Francisco/Berkeley.

  5. it wasn't sold out when i clicked on the date. but i waited just a minute slow, and it sold out once i pressed "check order" or whatever.


    sad times :/

    guess i'll have to wait til Saturday.


    Aww, that sucks! :[

    Well I hope you're able to get them on Saturday!

  6. Comparing Andrew McMahon to Adam Lazzara and John Nolan is blasphemy.

    Andrew McMahon is in a class of his own and has consistently made good music his whole career. The same cant be said about Lazzara and Nolan.




    Perfectly said, darling.

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