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Posts posted by limelight

  1. (sorry for the double post but I just saw this now and it wouldn't let me edit into my previous post for some reason)




    Holy Crap girl!


    Weird thing is (not to sound too creepy) I was totally looking at your facebook the other day and thought "I miss this girl"


    Good to see you back! Missed you around here :)


    omg no this is not creepy at all it's so sweet and makes me all warm and loved and happy inside. :wub::hug: I'm glad to be back. :3

  2. There was quite a bit of drama when Josh and Zac left the band, and after a while, people just stopped showing up. It's a bummer, but I'm glad some people stuck around. Maybe more people will wander back here soon. :)


    Oh I see, I didn't even think about that. I hope so too! It seems to be pretty dead here now... at least every time I come on haha.


    hey, welcome back! :) it's good to see someone on here from back of the days haha.


    Thank you! :hug:


    Yeah also when we updated the site last year and switched everything over alot of people weren't too happy with it so they left.



    ^ This is true too, although we still had a pretty active board after the switch. After that "The Farros Left Paramore" thread and the constant arguments and name-calling in it, a lot of people peaced out. Also, it's nice seeing a few people here and there, who didn't care for the new boards at first, coming back and posting. :)


    I think, in general, the Paramore communities that used to be huge are just slowly calming down. LJ's pretty much dead all the time. :(


    I can't even imagine the drama that went on here lol. Kind of glad I wasn't here for it because you know I would have put in my two cents and probably everybody would have hated it hahaha. Yeah, I didn't really like last year's update, not sure how I feel about this one yet either. It's really confusing to me. Maybe that's just because it's really new. I still miss the old one though - nothing will ever measure up to the old PF!


    Thanks again for the welcome backs! :)

  3. Hi guys, thanks for the welcome back. :3 Franzi, I remember the good times. *happy cry*


    Welcome back!


    There aren't nearly as many of us as there used to be on here, but we're all here if you want to talk and hang out. It's great seeing familiar faces back here after a while of being away. :)


    Yeah, I can see there isn't as many people here anymore, what happened?!

  4. Wow, hey pf family... I'm back. Maybe for awhile, maybe not for so long. But this is the place where everything started to happen for me. One of my favorite bands that has helped me through so much is here, it's where I found my first and only girlfriend (a minor 3 weeks, but it still counts!), where I met my best friend of four years, met a few people I still keep in contact with, and now i'm back because I am lonely and depressed to no end and I need to make friends, and this is one of the only places i've ever been able to make friends. haha.


    How pf has changed... It took me 5 minutes just to figure out how to log in! But a smile came to my face when I saw some old members up on here still.


    I've changed a lot and I hope to make amends with the people I didn't get along with on here before, as i'm a new person and they've probably changed a bit as well, and I hope to make new friends and reconnect with old ones as well.


    To those of you who don't remember me or just don't know me: I'm Victoria, people on here used to call me Vic 99% of the time, but either one is fine with me. These are my favorite smileys: :willy_nilly::nono: (gosh, I missed those) BNE is more relevant to anything that has ever been relevant in my life at the moment. I don't really know what else to say, I try to put in a lot of thought into these intro things though, but generally I am really quiet and shy and don't say much.


    I have totally been listening to Paramore the whole time i've been typing this. *parawhore*

  5. They are ten times more explicit then twilight. Twilight is a baby comparing to this,have you read the books ,they are pure sex O-o

    and you should definitively watch the new episode :D


    i know haha, that's why i said 3298659384 times better than twilight. ;-)

    THERE ARE TRUE BLOOD BOOKS?!?!?!?!!?!?! WHY DID I NOT KNOW THIS!?!?! :willy_nilly:

  6. I think that cs4 is a bit better then cs3. Don't you know anyone who knows how it works with downloading and cracking of it?


    hmm i've never used cs4 though so idk. i wonder if i could get like one of those 30 day trial things. :D i'm gonna go look now haha. i suppose if i asked around i could find somebody haha.

  7. Ick, exams. haha. that's good that you're feeling better though, and congrats on passing! :D


    i'm okay i guess, just doing a bit of graphics. thinking about making a graphics thread because i'm a bit better than i used to be. not sure if i'm going to make it for sure yet though...

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