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Posts posted by limelight

  1. vic i so knew you were going to say that


    hahahahahahahahahahahaha. omg, i pretty much barfed butterflies right then. like, if you saw my face when that picture came up..you probably would have died laughing. my eyes went like this: :uhh: and my jaw dropped too!



  2. EDIT:You've all obviously moved on, but I'm not deleting my post.


    I just get so mad at small-minded people who can't accept homosexual relationships. They are absolutely amazing! It means no one has to live a lie, they can be happy and in love with no restrictions. The culture we're living in is way more accepting of gay people now than ever before. Way back in time, gay people would be killed and allsorts. I think that is disgusting. Why should a man/woman be forced to settle down with a member of the opposite sex whom they aren't attracted to? It's ridiculous.

    Three of my close school friends are gay. One of which is incredibly open about it. I'm extremely proud of him for being proud of himself! Being gay is not a disease, you can't "catch" it. People who avoid talking to homosexuals at all costs are old fashioned and basically prejudice. That gay person may be a potential friend to them, but they're too stupid to see past what they like to do in the bedroom.


    My dad always says he has nothing against gay people in general, he just hates what they do. Okay, fair enough, but it's not like they're publicly having sex right? He can be a total jerk sometimes. I, personally, love gay men. They can be bitchy, but they're also sentimental and give the best hugs!

    I've met a couple of lesbians. My mam's best friend from her childhood is a lesbian, but my mam never shyed away from that. Why should she? She is still the same person she always was.


    I actually had a conversation relating to gay relationships today. My sisters actually agreed with me which was surprising. Just because you're the same sex as the person you love doesn't make it dirty, sordid or wrong. It makes it all the more right, so long as you're happy.


    great job shan. :)



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