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Status Updates posted by Guro

  1. it's not a must have, no. :)

    only if you want to fill the space put some paramore lyrics on. =)

  2. lol it doesn't sucks ;) it is really good,and it is definitively better then the one i made :)

    i am gonna use it later couse i am using this one Franny made me ;)

  3. mkay thanks! don't be surprised if i have a dumb moment and ask for help. (;

    and i'm pretty good rn! school's finally out, so i have a whole summer to do whatever.

    how're you baby? :D

  4. oh fun! :D

    you def have to let me know how that goes!

  5. okay takk:) jeg er så sykt dårlig på sånne ting,men jeg liker tumblr ganske godt hehe.

    ahh skjønner,er det vanskelig å lære seg hvordan man bruker html?

  6. prøvde å sende deg melding,men du kan vist ikke motta flere :P så jeg bare skriver det her i stede hehe.


    du,jeg har et par spm ang tumblr,og du er den eneste jeg kjenner som kan litt om det ;P

    kan jeg poste bilder i et vanlig tekst innlegg ? isåfall hvordan gjør jeg det?

    og vet du hvordan jeg bytter str på skriften på et innlegg? f.eks for å få en del a...

  7. Sorry for the late reply - it's AWESOME ♥ ♥ ♥

    Thank you so much!

  8. sure!

    0:58 - 1:03: after the drums when the band comes closer (around here http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/3596/staywithme.png) til the last moment before the girl scene begins with digging a hole (around here http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/9066/staywithmenm.png) >>

  9. that's no problem! i think i won't start posting on here at least for 1 more week anyway so it has time :)

    just message me if you have it back and want to do the sig. <3

  10. Thats cause that was your birthday present.

    g2g now though, told someone i'd be going.

  11. well that's good! :D



    i don't like the picture on the side, but i like how it's kinda divided in two, you know? and it's all one picture so it's not like i could just change the side. :neutral:

    and suggestions on how to change that? hahah.

  12. When the board did it's update or whatever I suppose C! didn't function.

    I'm playing me some poker. losing my moneh'z

  13. why, what's (s)he doing?

    teachers are the weirdest nuts ever. haha

  14. Yeah :/

    I tried doing it as .gif and it only did the first frame. So yeah, that didn't work.

  15. Yeah I just got like 10X better at it.

    getting pretty boring now though. dont know what to do today.

  16. Yeah i really miss the fun on here.

    culture and communication sounds interesting to me since i've never heard of this combination. what do you exactly learn in there?

    it's not sure yet, but at least an uni that'd take me. haha i wanna study to get my master of education. :)

  17. ...and apparently the party was on that day she said it would be and i didn't get the invitation. I felt like why the f* you told you will call me if you want?

  18. Ah, that's so lame. I guess I shall download it from somewhere.

  19. and just put the dates "2009-12-04", "2010-10-09", their band name and "Don't believe your eyes, believe your ears trust me" on it :)

  20. aw i'm glad to hear you had an amazing time! but i'm so freaking jealous ;D okay i'm gonna read it now =)

  21. aw np it's okay! :) Thanks for trying it!

  22. aw that sucks :( i hate stuff like that

  23. AW ya i love it!!! ♥ ♥ thank you so much! :hug:

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