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Posts posted by angelsleadyouin

  1. What's with all these people and their inability to sing on time?!


    It's like.. you've got a pretty decent voice, how the hell did you get that far and still are not able to sing on time?!


    /rant off


    what do you mean?


    the cover is good, but i think it could be improved. but they did say they didn't put much effort in it so i'm guessing it can be a lot better.


    you should honestly listen to their original songs;




    they're really great. i love "Firefly".


    holy crap! those are so good!

  2. i think this is an amazing great cover.


    i just get so annoyed when everyone compares to who's singing to hayley's voice. the singer doesn't have to sound EXACTLY like hayley. it's a cover, you sing it your own original way. if everyone sounded exactly like hayley and said "here" like hayley then it wouldn't be much of a cover, would it? and it would be so boring if it sounded the same... and also one of the band members said this;


    Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments!


    I've seen a few comments on sites outside of YouTube and would just like to point out that this was done for FUN(!) and really wasn't that much effort of our behalf.


    We're both music students at uni and write + record a LOT of original material together - hence our studio. We're releasing our debut album in the next few months and did this video as a little break from that.


    Thanks again! I'm thrilled people are liking the cover = D


    Dave x


    sorry i didn't want to sound rude or anything and i'm sorry if i did. i just wanted to point that out. please forgive me.

  3. "hi, we're distance between stars, and we sound absolutely nothing like paramore, a fact of which we're very proud of.

    In our desperation, perhaps even struggle to have absolutely no comparisons to this so called "paramore" (who are they anyway?) we have acquired a female lead singer who has her own completely original stage shapes, as shown below:




    don't you see ? that kayleigh shmilliams (or whatever her name is) is infact copying us !


    thank you for your attention, we shall continue our strand of originality and help create a new future



    para- I MEAN distance between stars.





  4. i thought this was an interesting topic to start. do you guys believe in any creatures out there? you could just call me insane, i wouldn't care, but here's what i think;


    my grandmother tells me so many stories about vampires.. and how she knew them and how they were around when she was a child back in italy. no i'm not believing this because of the whole "twilight" thing. but my grandmother told me that there are humans (obviously are not around in today's world) who drink/ need human/animal blood. basically what you would call a vampire, but not with fangs or whatever they look or are described as in the films.


    you probably think i'm crazy, maybe not. but do you any of you believe in anything?

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