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Everything posted by lawlz!sylvanna

  1. well. ahahaha. they made a myspace, to check on mine from time to time, and I didn't know. so, after coming out to all my friends around feb.[well, I came out to my three close close close friends last summer], I put it on my myspace to make things accurate. well they saw it around april[right after a paramore concert too, lmao], and confronted me, but, it was in a calm way, and they said how they supported me and they don't care who I love, because I'm still me. they're more open minded than my mom. and for a few weeks, it was kinda awkward, but by may, everything was back to normal. I feel weird talking to my dad about it, but my stepmom I feel like I can say ANYTHING to her. so it's good in a way, since I go to her about stuff more than my mom these days. oh well. haha.
  2. I kinda know how it feels to get that weight off , because my dad and my stepmom know, but I didn't come out to them, they confronted me after finding out. o_o but I'm just all asdfghjkl;' about it. ughhh. I hate the awkward feeling too.
  3. I was gonna, and there were so many chances I could have taken too! but everytime I'd open my mouth, I'd start talking about anything but my sexuality. it's too scary. but I thought it would be easy, since she was like her old self, but it's so hard. I think I'm sticking with my original plan of telling her the day I leave town after high school. maybe that's better :/
  4. hey guys I'm back. :[ I got too scared. I couldn't tell her.
  6. no flippin' duh. I didn't do it on purpose! I wanted to smell uber pretty, like uhm..."watermelon bliss". WTF? WHO NAMES BODY SPRAY, "watermelon bliss" WHAT?!
  7. baha, NO ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I'm far from done, but I won't get motivated until an hour before. and I just got body spray in my eye
  8. hey, I was busy! and still kinda am. I should be packing, but I've been putting it off until today, and I leave in seven hours xD
  9. HOLY ORANGE AND PINK BABOONS! i was gone for a day, and asdfghjkl bahahahahaha, now I'm lost. xD
  10. holy cow, I was gone for a few hours and SHAZAMM! THERE'S LIKE 25934680398592892 POSTS! xD
  11. oh darn, I think it's vacuum? no wait maybe. haha, I'm not sure. and hey, getting off topic is pretty funny, especially when it's random. :]
  12. I love how this thread goes from coming out, to candles O_o lmao.
  13. my mom has those things too! and when I walked by the one time, it exploded with wax and it BURNEDDDDDD. but when I get really really bored I put paper clips and pennies in it and it looks really neato with the weird colored candles.
  14. that is WAY better than my example. lawlz. but yeah, it's like, WATCH OUT! IF YOU'RE NEAR THEM, YOU GET THE 'DISEASE' AS WELL! puh-leaze. it's like give up already and accept us. and ...AWH DARNIT! i forgot what I was gonna say.
  15. yeah, that's a really good point. I hate homophobes. it's like they think we're gonna eat them or something like we're cannibals. bahahahaha. that was a bad example.
  16. idk maybe its just me, but in a way, it seems the world is more and more understanding and open minded each day. so maybe it's like by then, it wouldn't be as bad as it is now.
  17. yeah, that seems pretty good. and my mom always seems pissy whenever we leave vacation, like as if to say "OMGZ, BACK TO THE REAL WORLD NOW! I'M BACK TO MY BITCHINESS!" okay that was over exaggerated, but you get it, right? lol
  18. thanks ! :] I think maybe like on the plane ride back though, or something towards the end? so the trip isn't awkward. maybe you should wait until the last day or something, that way if it is awkward, it won't be that bad and affect the trip.
  19. yeah, that seems good. thnks :] I was thinking maybe this upcoming week, when we go away to disney, and her fossil of an annoying boyfriend won't be around[i swear he's attached at the hip with her.], then maybe we'll be good again. we just get in so many fights.
  20. I get what you're saying, but it's like, I dunno. maybe I'm not making sense?
  21. yeah it's tough, but the thing is with my dad and stepmom, they found out from adding me on myspace, and seeing it. I didn't even know they added me, so it was like, I wasn't gonna lie when they asked me if I was. I told them, and it kinda felt awkward that weekend and the weekend after but now it's perfectly fine. so that's kinda where the fear sets in about telling her, because I kinda didn't tell my dad and my stepmom on my own, you know? its so frustrating and confusing anymore.
  22. well I know everyone says that these days, but one minute she says she's supportive, then she makes it seem she's not. there little things she doesn't support me with, so its like I don't know if she would or not in this case. she kinda shows she wouldn't with how she acts with me.
  23. it's hard kinda. it's not that big of a town, and when you're friends' parents know your parents, things get around. so its like ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
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