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Status Updates posted by Wildman

  1. I can't find my capo.

  2. Just got done hanging out with Matt and Artie. I'm working 5 to close tonight... Joy...

  3. I'm gonna go play some guitar then get ready for work.

  4. So my little sister was playing that overplayed Top 40 crap on Demand. I got irritated, and was like, "I'm turning this crap off", and started playing some real music, Of Mice & Men. Then my sister was like "turn this crap off". She obviously doesn't know what real music is. It doesn't even have to be your taste to know what real music is. Real music is people that pour their heart and soul into making good music, not like freaking Britney Spears or fucking Justin Beiber, where ghost writers ...

  5. Chillin' with Matt Gruber and Eric Geisen.

  6. What's with bands saying that they hate their town? I actually like my town... lol

  7. Roll with the punches because you know that it’s inevitable soon to be unforgettable, yet, totally unpredictable...

  8. i really need a new profile picture...this old as dirt. on another note, i wish i knew how to capitalizeon ps3... this is fail, lol

  9. Nov. 8th, new BC13 album. Hell yeah!

  10. It sucks, I'm not scheduled to work until Saturday... I mean what the hell did they hire me for? To work twice a week?

  11. I slept til 10:30 today, but I'm still tired as hell...

  12. Promise me that you're going to be safe from the giant robot zombies... Promise me...

  13. It's a metal-kind of afternoon. *headbangs*

  14. Why doesn't Lil Wayne quit this thing he calls music already? He should just quit life already, or go back to jail or something.

  15. Apparently last year, I made like 5 status about Paramore's BBBB... I like that Facebook is doing that, it's quite nostalgic, haha.

  16. Starting the week after next, I'm going to be getting more hours! Yeah! I still can't wait for my first paycheck!

  17. So, LIGHTS has a show Oct. 25th and Mayday Parade has a show the day after... I wanna go to both, tickets are on sale in a few days... I'll see what I can do.

  18. Wow, that's some deja vu, Facebook just told me that on this day last year I mentioned Hey Monday in a status... That's just weird... The same day a year later... Just creepy.

  19. I'm no one's hero, so just forget my name

  20. I got the freaking job! I'm finally the working American I should be!

  21. Finally getting internet at home! Cable too. Finally... I feel like I just left the 20th century. U-Verse ftw!

  22. So I just found out that TDWP and Blink-182 are releasing their new albums the same day. Could anything be any more perfect?

  23. I'm glad my hair is growing back, I don't think that I'll need a haircut for another year or so.

  24. For some reason I'm listening to the Millionaires... Idk, their music is terribly catchy...

  25. Man it's a little too hot today...

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