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Posts posted by Shivari

  1. I got off of school today thanks to Hurricane Ike. By the time it came up to Cleveland it still had 70mph winds last night. It knocked down a ton of trees and most people are without power (obviously not me). There were also a few fatalities.


    It was horrible walking around seeing all of the damage.

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  2. I'm sorry its just that everyone in my hometown is all for ethanol for some reason. So yeah I know you didn't say it. Also not everyone is gonna have a solar power car in 10 years and what if there happens to be some kind of defect in with it?


    The storage thing will be mass-produced in 10 years. Now that solar energy will be extremely cheap car companies will follow suit and solar powered cars will spring up. And about a defect, that's a stupid question. They won't put some shitty solar car on the market.


    Believe me, if we make a large move towards solar, as we should, we'll be getting power and fuel from solar energy.


    Now I don't know much about solar energy but I just don't think we should be all of our eggs in one basket.


    But if it's the only basket that doesn't have a hole in the bottom. Some towns will be powered by wind energy, but that isn't viable for a whole city. The rest of the options are either flawed or need to be in a certain area (ie hydroelectric by a river).


    Plus oil is used for everything these days. About 10% of all oil is used in things like plastics and even in food. If we could get that from here , then we wouldn't have to appease foreign dictatorships for it.


    Once again, it won't make a dent for a long time. We might as well just speed up solar energy instead of hoping we get a couple cents off in 15 years.


    And we can make plastic out of things besides oil.

  3. First off 9% is really bad, even if the norm is 40%.


    That's not the norm, that's how high it ever gets. It's around 20% a lot. Congress is never highly approved of, so the approval rating for them says very little. Yeah this one has low approval, but would the Republicans be doing better? No. And Bush has an extremely low approval rating for president.


    Secondly I want an all around plan which would include alternative fuels as well as drilling. However a good alternative fuel is still years away. Ethanol is actually counter-productive if you read the research.


    Fuck ethanol. When did I say a thing about that? Solar energy is the future. We recently discovered how to efficiently store it and it will be mass-produced in about 10 years. Let's concentrate on that, not something that will be too little too late with oil drilling.


    Thirdly I meant pulling everything out now would be a mistake. When the conditions are right we need to pull out slowly. I'm not against that but it needs to be based and conditions on the ground not what people think over here.


    Pulling out slowly is the only way to pull out. I agree.


    I had a friend that was stationed in Germany a couple of years ago and WWII has been over for over a half of century.



    We have people everywhere in the world. Of course there will be people still around, the thing is we won't be occupying it.

  4. 5) A lot of the problems that we are going through we actually caused by Democrats (ironically). This democratic congress has a 9% approval rate and the major reason why is that they do nothing. If the congress does nothing then the president can't do much either. Therefore we can't blame Bush for everything. A lot of the recession was actually, in my opinion , was caused by the min wage increase. More money = more inflation = higher prices across the board whether it be for groceries or gas or pretty much anything. Also Nancy Pelosi (current speaker of the house) is very agenda minded and won't help us solve the energy crisis. Drilling in Alaska , even though not an immediate rememdy, could help us in the long run.


    First off, the congress approval rating is rarely higher than like 40%. The only time it ever shot up was after 9/11 as them and Bush were expected to be our guardian angels to keep us from harm. The rating plummeted soon after.


    Also you do know that the Dems have only had control of Congress for the past 2 years right? What about the loads of nothing that the Republican majority congress did in the first 6 years of Bush's terms? Don't feed me that unfounded shit.


    And there is no sense drilling in America for oil, it will take 10-15 years before it even makes a sliver of a difference. By then, we'll be getting alternative energy more than ever. We should be funding alternative energy research, not drilling more oil when it won't make a difference anyway.


    6) I do beleive Iraq wasn't the best decision but we can't get out now. Its just too risky and don't beleive the conspiracy theories. They are not based on fact. Simply why would we go to war for oil and we have untapped resources here. It doesn't make sense.


    The Iraqi government has been making get out noises for a while now. We should just slowly move out and let them handle it, as they seem to want it just as much as we do now. And it's been calming down a lot there recently, we have no reason to believe they couldn't handle it on their own at this point.

  5. I sometimes give to beggars, but sometimes they really are just doing it for drugs though.


    There was this one guy that had an orange and was trying to sell it to people walking by. Of course he's not hungry, because if he was he'd eat the orange. And if I had wanted an orange at that time I would have went to the person across the street giving them away. =/

  6. What the hell happened in here?:nono:


    Anyways, if someone you know died on 9/11, then I'm sorry that I posted whatever I did. But there's no sense about getting worked up about it otherwise, as you really have no right to be. What about the kids dieing in Africa every day? No one seems to get worked up about them, yet what they go through everyday is much worse than anything that happens here.


    And you just can't be all serious about life because you know what? It sucks. If you can't laugh at the darker things your life is going to be rather depressing.

  7. i totally understand it was not meant seriously but making jokes about this event is (in my opinion) in bad taste. don't worry bout it i'm not mad at you i'm just letting you know for future reference ;-)


    Umm, don't look at the Pokemon thread.


    And I have a dark sense of humor, I'll admit that. Not everyone agrees with me, but I really don't mean disrespect.

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