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Sanguis Dominus

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Posts posted by Sanguis Dominus

  1. I just know that abuse of drugs (even occassional use) can literally change your brain chemistry and can cause brain damage. However, its really your decision but most of the ones you listed as ok seem to be Hallucinogens which you can still get addicted too beleive it or not (someone from around here actually was addicted to them...). I do agree that the gov would get a shitload of money if it were to become legal. However, most experts agree that if that were the case, that more people would become addicted.


    Of course it changes your brain chemistry, what would be the point if they didn't? The definition of a drug is a consumed substance that alters the body in one form or another. However, as far as I'm aware, there's never been any concrete proof, aside from psilocybin in mushies, that has any long term effects. Even with mushies, any negative long term effects are a lot rarer than the media and the government make it out to be.


    Tetrahydrocannabinol, the active substance in cannabis, is only very mildly hallucionogenic and even in such cases, hallucinations are rare. It's also not chemically addictive.


    Methylenedioximethamphetamine (MDMA), the active substance in Ecstasy, is a stimulant, not hallucinogenic. Again, not chemically addictive.


    Cocaine, another stimulant. Very highly addictive, not recommended unless you know you've got the will power to only do it a few times a year.


    The only hallucinogen I mentioned with any noticable hallucinogenic properties is psilocybin, or mushies, I'm not sure on it's addictiveness, but independant experts have rated it less harmful than cannabis (I'm going off of LSD, because psilocybin wasn't rated. I know there not the same, but I'm pretty sure mushies aren't as harmful as acid.). Which, in turn, was rated less harmful than alcohol and tobacco. Ecstasy only being rated slightly more harmful than alkyl nitrate, or poppers.


    I think it was Bill Bailey that said something along the lines of governments fighting the war against drugs and losing this war to a bunch of stoned people. Which is exactly what's happening. :)

  2. Why would I stop using drugs?


    Everything's bad for you to some degree, even the air you're breathing. Most drugs? Not nearly as much as people make them out to be. There's a lot of unreasonable social negativity surrounding many of them, hence why most are banned in most places. It's a rather unfortunate legacy of the 60s, and the government's hunger for control, coupled with the government's control over a large percentage of the media in the 60s.


    True, there are some which you just shouldn't touch, such as heroin, ket, meth or crack, but most of them, such as green, ecstasy/MDMA or mushies aren't nearly as harmful as society and governments claim. In serious moderation, even cocaine isn't so bad, that's kinda difficult, though, cocaine's high addictiveness sucks, so it's best not to have it more than three, four times a year.


    It's quite stupid, really. The fuckin' Labour government impose a fine on possession in some poorly disguised attempt to make more money, but they don't realise, that by legalising it and imposing a tax on it's sale, they stand to make a lot more money.


    IMO, they should ban alcohol and make green legal. But no, because they can make a lot more money offa alcohol than they can green, because it's so easy to grow.

  3. :-x


    Fucking cunt, dickhead, twat, fudgepackers have moved green back up to class B, dispite just about every educated organisation strongly suggesting that it's a bad idea.


    Fuck them.


    Fuck them right off.


    Claiming that contaminated strains are causing mental health problems. Moving it to Class B and handing out fines if caught with it isn't gonna stop me smoking it, or improve the quality of it. (Although, they're referring to shitty street skunk, the stuff I smoke is good shit.). Just moved it up to make more £££. If they were really concerned with contaminated strains, they should fucking legalise it and impose quality control, not make dealing it more risky. That just causes dealers to contaminate it more, to make it heavier. Fucking dumbasses.

  4. I saw Skins once.


    It's like they've taken Eastenders, made all the characters irritating kids to try and make it "hip" and "in", but instead just made one of the most boring TV shows ever aired.


    Never again.


    From the title, they shouldda made it about the neo-nazis, wouldda been much more interesting. It'd be like an episodic American History X.

  5. Heh, actually, I've got a pretty good idea. 8-)


    Haven't done mushies, yet, but listening to them on acid is like stepping into several alternate dimensions at the same time.


    'Specially Never Ever Land or Dracul.


    The latter of which is amplified if listening to it in a forest.




    'Spretty funny, the ad at the bottom reads "Don't be a patsy!

    Learn how to talk to your kids about drugs at drugfree.org".

  6. That's not exactly an unbias, impartial list.


    You roughly described a few things he's going to do using your negative opinion on Obama to word them to make them sound like negative actions. Do I sense a bit of bitterness that he got voted in?


    Yes. I think I do.

  7. It's actually true. Mazda have patiented it, they're the only company legally alowed to use the rotary engine. Much more efficient than a 4 stroke. As 1 chamber draws in fuel, the chamber next to it is igniting the fuel, the chamber next to that is expelling the fumes, it repeats this over and over.




    True. Smokin's fun.


    The brake servo uses a vaccum to make application of the brake easier?

  8. I've followed up on their sources. It's not a lie.


    "for example 1/8 of the population had 7/8 of the money" That's exactly what Bush was trying to achieve. Increase the gap between poor and rich. Make the rich richer, at the expense of the poor, strengthening the class divide. Bush couldn't give a crap about the poorer classes, so long as his family can keep their millions, they don't really care if their policies are costing America jobs. Forcing poorer classes to work double the hours for minimum wage. Surely if their top down policies worked, there would be more jobs available at a higher minimum wage. No, Bush's policies, instead, make people work longer hours, instead of two people working half the hours. Where are Bush's tax cuts for the rich going? Nowhere, they're staying in the rich's off-shore accounts, where they evade taxation.


    Play through the game. Check their sources. Almost everything contained in it that I've checked up on is factual and they explain it a lot better than I can.


    Sorry, but the majority of your post was poorly written, seemingly had nothing to do with anything I posted. I got what I could from it, but not a lot of it made any sense. Seems like you're saying what you think Obama will do wrong, instead of addressing what Bush has already done wrong, which was what my post was about.

    • Like 1
  9. Bush got voted in again, since 9/11. Worst possible thing that could happen to a country.


    Are you choosing to ignore the fact that the Bush administration happily forked over $53 million over to the Taliban?


    It's clear you didn't check the Bush game, so here's a quick summary of a few points:


    http://bushgame.com/g1.html - By the end of Clinton's term, America was in $236 billion surplus, with Clinton creating 18 million new jobs. When Bush came into power, he reveresed that and put America into $500 billion deficit. The largest deficit in the history of the US. This was caused by giving massive amounts of tax cuts that served only to make the rich richer.


    http://bushgame.com/g2.html - As soon as Bush was in power, he gave 1.3 billion back to the rich and spent 2.5 trillion that Clinton had put aside to bail America out of predicted social security problems. Bush promised he wouldn't touch it, but spent it within his first year. Spent mostly on tax cut for the rich and the war. Goes into more detail on what he wasted the money on in the game. 11 trillion dollars pretty much down the drain in just 4 years.



    http://bushgame.com/g3.html - One tax cut that Bush gave to the rich, that hardly had any effect on any other class, was the Estate Tax. He claimed that he was repealing the tax because poor farmers were losing their farms to pay the tax, however, no farmer has ever lost his farm because of that tax. On the flip side, the rich were bieng let off from paying millions of dollars inheritance tax, whereas the poor were hardly paying anything, anyway, and were let off from paying almost nothing at all, in comparison.


    http://bushgame.com/g4.html - In 2001, 41% of 1.3 trillion tax cuts going into the pockets of the richest 20%, whereas only 2% going to the poorest 20%. In 2003, 71% of tax cuts were going to the richest 20%, whilst only 1% to the poorest.


    http://bushgame.com/g7.html - Bush knew of a loophole to avoid having to pay any tax. All you had to do was have a mailbox in one of any tropical islands off the coast of America. Of course, only the rich corporations would be able to afford to be able to do this. Bush did absolutly nothing to correct this, having used this loophole when he was in charge of Harken Energy. This loophole costed America $70 billion a year, which the poor ended up having to pay out.


    http://bushgame.com/g8.html - Too much contained in this one, can't be bothered to summarise it.


    http://bushgame.com/g9.html - Same as above.


    Still think Bush was an ok president?


    We may be swamped in immigrants, and I'm not defending Labour, I hate them jus' as much, but at one point it was 2:1 dollars to GPB. Bush fucked America long before Obama was elected, there's a lot of damage for him to repair and it's not gonna happen in just two days.

  10. It's bands like the Jonas Brothers that are killin' music.


    The whole industry is being watered down by bands like them, bands that produce total wank, but have an image that big corporations like Disney can market. They're just a band that pre-teen girls find attractive, so they buy into it. Said pre-teen girls wouldn't know good music if it bitch slaped them in the face, so they accept bands like the Jonas Brothers as good music, because they're too blind to know any better.


    But corporations like Disney don't care how much damage they do to music, so long as they can transfer as much money as possible into their pockets.


    Pisses me off to no end.


    I'd like to see a duel between the Jonas Brothers and Carpathian Forest. Would be fuckin' hilarious.

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