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Posts posted by elusive.

  1. Daawwww, you too guuurl! That was amazing but they've all gone now :nono:


    Seriously, we just waffle on and on and on but it is awesome waffle none the less 8-)

    The answer to that is NO ONE because I am the best obviously lmfao


    ikr? i should have screencapped them lmfao. jk obvi


    haha I shouldn't be talking because my bedtime is usually 3 or 4 am


    LOOOL it's true though :D


    I'm totally gonna make a tumblr tonight. haha i wanna join in on the fun.

  2. ISN'T IT JUST. I'm here like 'shit son, no one even cares about half of the shit i like or has even heard of it fuq my life' and then you appear like 'HAI GURRRL I LOVE *INSERT AWESOME EPIC SHIT HERE* TOO!' and i'm like 'asdghjkl; ILY WE ARE AWESOME 8-)'

    ...it is late at night, please forgive me LMFAO

    I say late at night, it is actually 1 in the morning :ph34r:


    Seriously guuuurl. You are the shiit. remember when we used to post Nicki & Drake gifs on our profiles? It was so much fun haha.


    LOL you better get some rest and prepare for the EPIC game tomorrow. i can't believe we've been talking about the same ish like all day haha. who else could I have convos like these with?

  3. 11072010597.th.jpg

    lol ignore the sheets



    i have two :)

    +a huge sombrero i bought when i was in Madrid so i am going as a full Spanish fan tomorrow :P


    Nice shirt! so jealous right now haha


    DAMN get it! you're going all out LOL. Someone buy me Fernando's jersey and mail it to me, kthx. :P

  4. It's all good indeed!

    Me too, he seems to hilarious to be around

    I FOUND THAT TOO. Haters gonna hate. They're jsut jealous that Pique makes the best herpderp faces lmfao

    do you have tumblr btw? i totally want to follow you...in a non-stalker kind of way of course hahahaha


    exactly. he's always laughing and goofing around while Fernando makes his bitchfaces haha


    Hahahahah they MAD~


    nope I don't. I need to make a profile one of these days. why did you put that question in such small font? :ph34r:

  5. ME TOO BUT I have faith in Paul and the team of amazing spanish men so we have nothing to fear i hope

    :rotfl: LOL PIQUE. He definitely is the king of herp derp. Actually, he is a herpderpasaurus




    Exactly! we got some good players so it's all good!


    LOLOL i love him so much. he seems like he'd be a blast to hang out with!


    last night, i found a tumblr called retarded-pique...WHAT THE FUCK? some people are haters. he just isn't photogenic/gets caught at the wrong times lol. I don't appreciate them comparing my bb to Simple Jack. :nono:

  6. We so will be because we are that cool 8-)

    but imagine our faces if they don't win just omg i will blame paul for misleading us


    totally!! 8-)


    LMFAO i would die from embarrassment & disappointment. But I believe in Paul, especially after today's game. lets just hope he doesn't let us down!


    bwahahaha what is even going on in this picture?




    just herping and derping, ic :rotfl: Carry on Pique.

  7. omg gurrrrl I will try and be online during but if not I will definitely be on after the game and we can flail together because we are awesome y/y?

    Seriously, he should be hahaha


    okayy same with me too! y, we're gonna be fangirling and bragging for another 10 pages haha


    Matt, why are you even rooting for a team that's predicted to lose? I would be saving myself from the embarrassment if I was you.

  8. It's okay, Paul forgives you ;D

    Seriously, I'm so excited/nervous/happy/emotional it's so lame bahaha



    Yay! :)


    i know right?. hey I hope you're online during the game tomorrow! we need to celebrate, cry together, etc lmfao


    LOL Matt should be thanking us for keeping his thread active :P

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