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Posts posted by boilingmyblood

  1. Josh is in this week's Kerrang! magazine and spoke alot about the new album, for the most part, there isn't much we already didn't know, but it's a decent read.


    I wrote up the transcript. Scans on my blog (http://paramoreguy.blogspot.com/)


    What should fans expect from the new Paramore album?


    "It's hard to say at this stage. It's been rough trying to write on the road because we've been so busy, and we plan to do most of the writing after we've been home a while and have had the chance to decompress a little bit. There have been a lot of musical ideas, lots of verse riffs and chorus riffs, but we really want the songs to flow naturally rather than trying to force it out. It's hard to describe what the pieces we have are like, but the heavier songs are a lot heavier, and the mellow songs are a lot more mellow."


    Is the song Decode that you recorded for the Twilight soundtrack any suggestion of where you might go next?


    "No, I don't think so. That's a pretty dark song, and when we were writing it we were thinking it kinda sounded a bit like nu-metal, but we liked it a lot, and it really fits with the movie. There may end up being a song or two like that on the new record but I think that's as heavy as we're likely to go."


    Where are you planning on recording the album?


    "We're gonna try to do it in Nashville. I think writing the album there will inspire us, and then if we record there too it'll be a lot easier since we can sleep in our beds at night rather than in hotels like the other 300 days out of the year! We're not sure who's going to produce the record yet. We did Decode with [producer] Rob Cavollo [Green Day], which was a good experience, but we're looking around a don't want to make any decisions until we have a lot of songs and we know what we're looking for. We really enjoy our live sound and we want a producer who can really capture that."


    You have a much higher profile than when you went into the studio to record Riot!. Do you feel under more pressure?


    "Yeah, there is the underlying pressure of, like, 'Your last record went platinum and now you have to make another recor that goes platinum...', but I try not to think about it, because I feel that will just hinder the creative process. And I think putting any kind of expectations or rules on what we're doing will put a dampener on it, and the best songs come naturally."

  2. I have a Paramore blog which I've been working on for awhile now (but I've only now started posting on it). I chose a name but I'm not so sure on it now, does anybody here have any ideas?


    I hate unoriginal names, yet having said that, my blog is currently called Paramore Guy, so... :shifty:


    I want it to be easily recognized as a Paramore blog just by the name, but I'm really stuck for new ideas.


    Any help is appreciated :mrgreen:

  3. I read on Spin.com that Hayley want's the new album to have a more poppier feel to it, much to my distaste.


    Josh told Rocksound in November that the album will be very different:


    "None of the songs are finished, but we do have some ideas here and there. 'We have anywhere from eight to 10 musical ideas. They’re all pretty much just music; I think Hayley’s got some lyrics somewhere and bits of melody that she sings along to whenever we’re sound-checking a song. For the most part, it’s really early on. I think there’s gonna be more of a dynamic on this record than the last one, the last one was pretty straightforward the whole time. We wanna try and expand and try different genres of music in a way that still keeps it Paramore. It’ll be a tricky one, but I think we’ve got some really cool songs, like we’ve got an acoustic song that Taylor and I wrote and it doesn’t sound anything like Paramore, but I think that’s kinda good."

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