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Posts posted by vikaofpmore

  1. I found something like this, this is from buzznet, somebody is writing about Paramore on MTV:


    "So we're let in and I almost get hit in the face by the elevator doors and then we're taken to Level C, where everything was being filmed. There we were met with another line but this was THE line, where people were being let into the studio and stuff. A few more minutes of waiting and then we got inside. As they were seating people, one of the crew ladies pulled me and my cousin off the line and took us to the very front. YES THE FRONT. I guess its 'cause we're somewhat short and won't really block anyone's view. But who cares, I mean WE WERE AT THE FREAKING FRONT. We got to sit on these floor pillows and had an almost perfect view of where the band would be standing/sitting. As we sat down the two other girls (well mainly one) said to us HOW AWESOME IS THIS? By then, I was experiencing a mini freakout, jaw open, eyes wide and everything. I was sitting on the floor in the very front, right next to the speakers, where I would have an excellent view of Paramore. I sat on Taylor's side, which was stage left. There actually wasn't even a stage. There was just this strip of floor marked off by duct tape and barricaded by the floor speakers where they would be standing. There were mini lightbulbs on the ground that looked really cool, kinda like small paper lanterns, blue, red and purple lights and a smoke machine that made it look so small and intimate. I was expecting like a semi-large arena, like when The Eagles played Unplugged or Nirvana. But that's an entirely different situation. So we're sitting, we're waiting, we're talking to all the crew, sound tech and film crew alike. There was this one lady that was sort of like the director and she was instructing us on proper clapping techniques, like "light" applause and applause like "you've just heard the best news of your life." I was silenced into shock when she said "A few more minutes guys and we'll bring out the band. And then, they were brought out and I saw Josh first and everything was just so surreal. This was my first time ever seeing Paramore live. Hayley was wearing a really cute black dress with this metallic belt and these totally awesome pink and black shoes. She's ever more beautiful in person. Her hair is like really bright orange now, as she just dyed it recently. Some girl was like I LIKE YOUR SHOES and she was like "Yeah? Thanks, I just got them today!" I remember Taylor walking up to his stool and I was just staring in awe. He was wearing a red beanie. :D They began the set with a new song "Ignorance."


    Their set in order:




    That's What You Get


    Misery Business


    Brick By Boring Brick




    My Heart




    They played 'Ignorance' and those of us who knew it sang along, others just rocked out in their seats. After that song finished, they began having technical difficulties and couldn't start the next song for like 15 minutes. It was totally cool though, Hayley started talking to us and stuff while Josh, who was having problems with his guitar, and a sound tech dude named Scott were trying to figure out what to do. It was so funny though, Josh kept making silly faces and saying silly things to get the audience to laugh. This wasn't like a regular concert, it was a taping so we had to clap at a certain time and pace and if the guys wanted to do a song over, they could. They messed up a few times, or rather Hayley did when she forgot the words to 'Decode'. Taylor was also having problems with his guitar, as it would suddenly become really loud (I assume in his in-ears cuz it sounded perfectly fine to us)


    They played "Brick By Boring Brick" which is a song off their new record, and let me tell you, IT IS AWESOME. Foreals.


    Hayley was talking to us about this song and she said how people on LiveJournal said that the lyrics sounded like a Taylor Swift song and she was like WUT. THEY DO NOT. TAKE IT BACK OR I WILL TAKE BACK THESE LYRICS. Hahaha. The first line goes "She lives in a fairytale..." so I guess I can see where people would make that connection. Then she goes "So this is Love Story" (JK, JK) First, they played the outro for us, because it has this part where they wanted us to sing along with them but it was rather difficult to catch. Then they started playing and got as far as the bridge when Taylor tapped Hayley on the shoulder and said "I know what's wrong, I left my tuner on..." So they stopped playing and fixed what needed to be fixed. So far, this is one of my new favorite Paramore songs.


    I remember that Josh was like "Why do we have so many problems? Were there this many problems during Nirvana's Unplugged?" And then he started playing the intro to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' and I kind of freaked.


    I remember people welcoming Taylor (ILY) to the band and during That's What You Get during his mini rhythm solo were Hayley would usually say "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, TAYLOR YORK" instead she said "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, PLEASE WELCOME TAYLOR YORK, OUR NEWEST MEMBER" and everyone screamed and cheered.


    After they finished their set, which did not originally included 'My Heart', people started shouting out songs for them to play. The director lady told them they could redo any song they wanted, just in case they were dissatisfied with anything. So they decided to redo 'Ignorance' and at the end Hayley was like "Hey, that sounded even better the second time."


    So people en masse started yelling out FRANKLIN, FRANKLIN, PLAY FRANKLIN but Josh and Taylor couldn't remember the chords. Then Josh started playing Take Me Back as he was trying to remember. They didn't perform that song though :/ Everyone was requesting songs off of AWKIF but I guess they didn't really wanna play any. Also they didn't play Franklin because Josh didn't wanna sing the chorus=lame. So then he was like "OH HEY but I know 'My Heart'!" And of course everyone was like OMGYESOMG. Haha, Zac asked Josh "Are you gonna scream?" and Josh goes "NO, I'm not gonna scream!" And everyone was like WUT NO, SCREAM JOSH, SCREAM and he goes "Pfft, you guys scream!" It was awesome.


    Then at the end, Jeremy threw his pick and IT LANDED ALMOST DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF ME but the other girl I was sharing the pillow with dove for it and greedily snatched it up :( THEN, Taylor gave his pick away and so did Josh and Hayley gave out the set lists but this was all to the people who were on stage right."


    Pics are in photography.

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