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Posts posted by Whooa

  1. ^I confess wehn i read your username i loled a lot, me and my friends say this all the time!:


    Nessa: "Oh Dorris. Where's the salad?" Dorris: "Oh Fatty. Where's my cash?"


    HAHA! Gavin and Stacey. Amaze <3 :L


    "Where's your sheep you dirty Welsh slag?"


    "No you slag!"


    "Slaaaaaaag" :rotfl:

  2. HAVE

    [ ] Been to a rave.

    [x] Ridden in a taxi.

    [x] Jumped a ramp with a bike.

    [x] Been used.

    [x] Ran from the cops.

    [ ] Been fired.

    [ ] Sneaked into a movie.

    [ ] Got hit by a car.

    [ ] Fired a real gun.

    [x] Sneaked out of someone's house.

    [ ] Been arrested.

    [x] Gone in a mosh pit.

    [ ] Stolen something from my school.

    [ ] Celebrated New Year's in Times Square or Disney World.

    [ ] Gone on a blind date.

    [x] Had a crush on a teacher.

    [ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

    [x] Been to Europe.

    [ ] Been to Australia.

    [ ] Been to Hawaii.

    [x] Skipped school.

    [ ] Played Clue.

    [x] Had a sleepover.

    [x] Gone ice skating.

    [x] Been cheated on.

    [ ] Had your tonsils out.

    [ ] Have / had a TRUCK.

    [ ] Driven a car.

    [ ] Totaled a car.

    [ ] Been flashed.


    DO YOU

    [x] Feel loved.

    [ ] Feel lonely.

    [x] Feel happy.

    [x] Have a dog.

    [x] Sing along with your music.

    [ ] Listen to Hawaiian music.

    [x] Listen to rock.

    [ ] Listen to Christian music.

    [x] Have hobbies.

    [x] Skateboard.

    [ ] Snowboard.

    [ish] Get good grades

    [x] Play an instrument.

    [ ] Have slippers.

    [x] Wear boxers.

    [x] Like to read.

    [ ] Have long hair.

    [x] Have medium-length hair.

    [ ] Have short hair.

    [x] Have a laptop.

    [ ] Have a pager.

    [x] Have a cell phone.



    [x] Bored.

    [x] Happy.

    [ ] Upset.

    [ ] Blue.

    [ ] Blonde.

    [ ] Brunette.

    [x] Redhead.

    [ ] Samoan.

    [ ] Filipino.

    [ ] Korean.

    [ ] French.

    [ ] American.

    [ ] Italian.

    [ ] Black.

    [ ] Mexican.

    [ ] Asian.

    [ ] Hawaiian.

    [ ] Czech

    [ ] Irish.

    [ ] German.

    [ ] Swedish.

    [ ] Native American.

    [ ] Austrian.

    [ ] Russian.

    [ ] Norwegian.

    [ ] Danish.

    [ ] Hispanic.

    [ ] Greek.

    [ ] Hindu.

    [x] Other.

    [ ] Scientologist.

    [ ] Agnostic.

    [x] Atheist.

    [ ] Satanist.

    [ ] Jewish.

    [ ] Religiously Confused.

    [ ] Christian.

    [ ] Catholic.

    [ ] Short.

    [x] Average.

    [ ] Tall.

    [x] Realistic.

    [ ] Emotional person.

    [x] Missing someone.

    [ ] Scared to die.

    [ ] Buzzed.

    [ ] High.

    [ ] Caffeinated.

    [ ] Annoyed.

    [x] Hungry.

    [x] Thirsty.

    [ ] On the phone.

    [x] In your room.

    [ ] Drinking something.

    [ ] Eating something.

    [x] Very ticklish.

    [x] Listening to music.

    [ ] Watching a movie.



    01. What is your current hair like? a mess

    02. What’s your natural hair color? red

    03. What color are your eyes? green

    04. Current piercings? none

    05. Straight hair or curls? naturally straight



    01. Shirt? Converse top

    02. Shorts? By that do you mean trousers? Then yes :L

    03. Shoes? no

    04. Underwear? yes

    05. Necklaces? no



    01. Rock or rap? rock

    03. Wild night out or romantic night in? both

    04. Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla

    05. Hummer or sports car? sports car

    06. Bracelet or necklace? necklce

    07. History or Science? history!

    08. Sleep in or early to rise? sleep in

    09. Beach or boardwalk? beach

    10. Hoodie or T-Shirt? both

    11. Night or day? night

    12. High school or college? High school

    13. California or Florida? california

    14. Love at first sight or learn to love? learn to love



    01. Hugged someone? yes

    02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? no

    03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? no

    04. Laughed so hard, you peed in your pants? ish :L



    01. Person you talked to in person: my mam

    02. Person you talked to on MySpace? dont have one

    03. Person you talked to on the phone? my friend

    04. Person you texted on the phone? my friend, Carys

    05. Person you talked to on IM? :L My friend?



    01. Do you like surveys? yes

    02. What kind of shampoo do you use? any

    03. Do you get along with your parents? sometimes

    04. Do you have mental breakdowns? I did once

    05. Did you ever fake being sick? yes



    Is your hair up? no

    Is your phone right beside you? yes

    Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? no

    Do you miss someone? yes

    Do you wish you were somewhere else? yes

    Do you have plans for tonight? watching Waterloo Road :L :L

    Are you wearing makeup? no

    Are you wearing chapstick? no

    Are you cold? no

    Are you tired? a bit

    Are you excited? no

    Are you watching TV? no

    Are you wearing pajamas? nope



    Anything you regret? nah

    Ever lied? yes

    Ever stuck gum under a desk? no

    Ever spit at someone? On accident ;) :L

    Ever kick something living? no

    Ever had your nails done? no

    Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? no



    Have you yelled at someone? yes

    Have you gotten mad at someone? yes

    Have you cried? no

    Have you called more than 3 people? no

    Have you IMed more than 3 people? yes

    Have you gotten laid? no

    Have you eaten anything gross? a coffee revel :L



    01. First thing you did this morning? eat brekkie

    02. Last thing you ate? a mince pie (I was feeling festive ;])

    03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? no

    04. What's something you're looking forward to in the next 6 weeks? christmas :]

    05. What's annoying you right now? no one

    06. What's the last movie you saw? Xmas carol :L

    07. Do you believe in long-distance relationships? no

    08. Is there a person who is on your mind right now? no

    09. Where is the last place you went? my living room

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