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Posts posted by Kokoro

  1. But from what I've heard, isn't FBR really slow at international orders? :/ Or does Canada not really count as international?


    I keep meaning to e-mail the Canadian site to ask if they'll begin shipping out the albums on the 24th, (like the pre-order site said) or if the albums will begin shipping to them on the 24th. If it's the former then I can be almost 99% sure that I'm going to get the album a little early. :hyper:

  2. I like it. It's different, although it might take some getting used to, just like the song did for me. XD (Anyone else notice the guys tying Hayley up in the end? I actually loved that metaphor... type thing)


    Hey, does anyone know if this will air on other music channels like MuchMusic? 'Cause if it's not, I can't see it on TV. ):

  3. I found a different poster in HMV with Taylor on it. But it's a weird lighting - not professional or a photoshoot. It just looks like it was taken in a lounge somewhere. XD my mom was like "Hey, why is it that on this poster there are 5 people and on your desktop (of the computer) there are only 4?"


    D: I have to change that.

  4. I don't know for sure. Just by hearing about what happened on FBR yesterday, I was just guessing. You should be fine to order in the next few days and still get a copy, and I feel like they might hold some because the Mexico and Japan presales aren't till July 13th and August 1. If you want to use PayPal, the US store accepts it.


    sorry, that post was a bit of a freak out. XD I'm better now. Anyway, yeah, I'm sure I'll be fine. We're waiting to hear back from the Canadian store to see what this PayPal blasphemy (sp? XD) is about. The only problem with ordering from the US store is that the currency change and shipping would probably cost like $15 extra. I think.


    The Canadian ones ship from like less than 2 minutes from my house. It's awesome.


    Haha, that's awesome. XD I wonder if (like Chriss said) they'd just let you pick it up.

  5. i assume it will

    it takes nearly a month for me to get anything and i'm only in canada :roll:


    -____-'' m... maybe they'll be super quick seeing as it's the new album and all. Maybe...


    I'm not going to have enough money for the normal edition after buying the deluxe. (Not to mention the stupid currency changes... jeez if it's $70 I'll probably end up paying $100 with currency & shipping...) Plus, I doubt my mom would approve of me buying two copies... XD

  6. I WANT THE DELUXE VERSION. -____-'' But it's going to be expensive as heck. And I can't order online. But if I can afford it, I WILL FIND A WAY TO GET IT.


    Oh, and depending on where you live, do you think if I you order it online from paramore.net, the album will get to you on the release date? I sure hope that's the case, or else I'll be waiting even longer to hear all the songs if I buy the deluxe edition. >.>

  7. Kind of morbid... XD But I like it. Like most, it's going to take a while to get used to it, but it's gorgeous...


    As for the meaning, the band has talked a lot about feeling judged and being treated unfairly, not as a band but as people, and that it really influenced the album. Maybe they're using the whole butterfly-pinned-to-a-corkboard idea to show how they felt trapped? idk.

  8. Man, am I glad to be in French Immersion. XD


    I don't really like their descriptions of the songs. :/ they just seem to be comparing them to Green Day and MCR, which is nothing like the Paramore I know, imo. Not really sure how the choir and calm intro is going to fit with Playing God's lyrics... "bend it back or break it off" is just such an angry line.


    Oh well, I'm actually really excited, because I think this album is going to be a lot more mature, like everyone's been saying. I can't wait for BBBB, Playing God and Turn it off. <3 Actually, I can't wait for all the songs.


    EDIT: Hey, why is the title of the article "Hidden in a Plain View"? Isn't that a bit random, especially for a french magazine? :/

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