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Posts posted by Red


    01. Have you ever really cried your heart out? yes

    02. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? yes

    04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex? yes

    05. Do you cry when you get an injury? not usually

    06. Do certain songs make you cry? yes



    01. Are you a happy person? generally yeah, confused but happy

    02. What can always make you happy? starbucks

    03. Do you wish you were happier? yes

    04. Is being happy overrated? no

    05. Can music make you happy? yes



    01. Who do you actually hate? my brother

    02. Have you ever made a hate list? nope

    03. Have you ever been on a hate list? don't think so

    04. Are you a mean bully? no

    05. Do you hate George Bush? no


    I HAVE

    [ ] Been to a rave.

    [x] Ridden in a taxi.

    [ ] Jumped a ramp with a bike.

    [x] Been used.

    [ ] Ran from the cops.

    [ ] Been fired.

    [ ] Sneaked into a movie.

    [ ] Got hit by a car.

    [x] Fired a real gun.

    [ ] Sneaked out of someone's house.

    [ ] Been arrested.

    [x] Gone in a mosh pit.

    [ ] Stolen something from my school.

    [ ] Celebrated New Year's in Times Square or Disney World.

    [ ] Gone on a blind date.

    [ x] Had a crush on a teacher.

    [ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

    [ ] Been to Europe.

    [ ] Been to Australia.

    [ ] Been to Hawaii.

    [ ] Skipped school.

    [x] Played Clue.

    [x] Had a sleepover.

    [x] Gone ice skating.

    [ ] Been cheated on.

    [ ] Had your tonsils out.

    [ ] Have / had a TRUCK.

    [x] Driven a car.

    [ ] Totaled a car.

    [ ] Been flashed.


    DO YOU

    [ x] Feel loved.

    [x] Feel lonely.

    [ x] Feel happy.

    [x] Have a dog.

    [x] Sing along with your music.

    [ ] Listen to Hawaiian music.

    [x] Listen to rock.

    [x] Listen to Christian music.

    [x] Have hobbies.

    [ ] Skateboard.

    [ ] Snowboard.

    [x] Get good grades

    [ ] Play an instrument.

    [ ] Have slippers.

    [ ] Wear boxers.

    [x] Like to read.

    [ ] Have long hair.

    [x] Have medium-length hair.

    [ ] Have short hair.

    [ ] Have a laptop.

    [ ] Have a pager.

    [x] Have a cell phone.



    [ ] Bored.

    [ ] Happy.

    [ ] Upset.

    [ ] Blue.

    [ ] Blonde.

    [ ] Brunette.

    [x] Redhead.

    [ ] Samoan.

    [ ] Filipino.

    [ ] Korean.

    [ ] French. (french canadian really....unfortunately)

    [x] American.

    [ ] Italian.

    [ ] Black.

    [ ] Mexican.

    [ ] Asian.

    [ ] Hawaiian.

    [ ] Czech

    [ ] Irish.

    [ ] German.

    [ ] Swedish.

    [ ] Native American.

    [ ] Austrian.

    [ ] Russian.

    [ ] Norwegian.

    [ ] Danish.

    [ ] Hispanic.

    [ ] Greek.

    [ ] Hindu.

    [ ] Other.

    [ ] Scientologist.

    [ ] Agnostic.

    [ ] Atheist.

    [ ] Satanist.

    [ ] Jewish.

    [ ] Religiously Confused.

    [x] Christian.

    [ ] Catholic.

    [ ] Short.

    [x] Average.

    [ ] Tall.

    [x] Realistic.

    [x] Emotional person.

    [x] Missing someone.

    [x] Scared to die.

    [ ] Buzzed.

    [ ] High.

    [x] Caffeinated.

    [x] Annoyed.

    [x] Hungry.

    [x] Thirsty.

    [ ] On the phone.

    [ ] In your room.

    [ ] Drinking something.

    [ ] Eating something.

    [x] Very ticklish.

    [x] Listening to music.

    [ ] Watching a movie.



    01. What is your current hair like? needs its roots done

    02. What’s your natural hair colour? dirty blonde but probably a light brown now

    03. What colour are your eyes? green/blue/grey/depends on the day

    04. Current piercings? ears

    05. Straight hair or curls? straight as hay



    01. Shirt? pick up the phone shirt

    02. Shorts? nope

    03. Shoes? no

    04. Underwear? yessss

    05. Necklaces? no



    01. Rock or rap? rock

    03. Wild night out or romantic night in? romantic i wouldnt get in any trouble but wiild would be so much more fun

    04. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate

    05. Hummer or sports car? hummer

    06. Bracelet or necklace? necklace

    07. History or Science? both are very interesting but i am much betetr with history

    08. Sleep in or early to rise? sleep in

    09. Beach or boardwalk? beach

    10. Hoodie or T-Shirt? hoodie

    11. Night or day? night but i get depressed night........

    12. High school or college? dont know...havent been to college

    13. California or Florida? california

    14. Love at first sight or learn to love? learn to love



    01. Hugged someone? yes

    02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? no

    03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? yes

    04. Laughed so hard, you peed in your pants? no



    01. Person you talked to in person? dad

    02. Person you talked to on MySpace? don't use myspace

    03. Person you talked to on the phone? mom

    04. Person you texted on the phone? TK

    05. Person you talked to on IM? dont have it



    01. Do you like surveys? yes

    02. What kind of shampoo do you use? don't remember

    03. Do you get along with your parents? yes

    04. Do you have mental breakdowns? yes but you wouldnt know they were mental breakdowns

    05. Did you ever fake being sick? yes



    Is your hair up? no

    Is your phone right beside you? no

    Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? nope

    Do you miss someone? yes

    Do you wish you were somewhere else? yes

    Do you have plans for tonight? nope

    Are you wearing makeup? yes

    Are you wearing chapstick? nope

    Are you cold? yes

    Are you tired? yes

    Are you excited? no

    Are you watching TV? no

    Are you wearing pajamas? yes



    Anything you regret? yes

    Ever lied? yes

    Ever stuck gum under a desk? no

    Ever spit at someone? yes

    Ever kick something living? oh yeah

    Ever had your nails done? yes

    Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? heavens no



    Have you yelled at someone? yes

    Have you gotten mad at someone? yes

    Have you cried? no

    Have you called more than 3 people? no

    Have you IMed more than 3 people? no

    Have you gotten laid? no.....

    Have you eaten anything gross? no



    01. First thing you did this morning? got out of bed

    02. Last thing you ate? cheese

    03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? nope

    04. What's something you're looking forward to in the next 6 weeks? my lip synch

    05. What's annoying you right now? my hunger

    06. What's the last movie you saw? ummmm....cant remember

    07. Do you believe in long-distance relationships? yes

    08. Is there a person who is on your mind right now? no

    09. Where is the last place you went? school


    Bold what you like.


    [idea: Shesgotstyle_surveys]




    V For Vendetta.

    Lord of the Rings.

    The Dark Knight.

    Harry Potter.

    New Moon.

    Across the Universe.


    Sleeping Beauty.

    Sweeney Todd.

    Alice In Wonderland.


    Dead Poets Society.

    Four Brothers.

    Eternal Sunshine.




    True Blood.



    The Office.



    Vampire Diaries.

    Gossip Girl.

    Golden Girls.


    Law & Order: SVU.

    The Simpsons.

    That 70's Show.

    Arrested Development.

    The Jeff Dunham Show.



    The Beatles.

    John Lennon.

    30 Seconds To Mars.

    Taking Back Sunday.

    Demi Lovato.

    Miley Cyrus.

    Cobra Starship.


    The Fray.


    Michael Buble.

    The Hives.

    Taylor Swift.

    Adam Lambert.

    Eyes Set To Kill.



    Forever 21.




    Old Navy.

    Hot Topic.

    Best Buy.




    American Eagle.

    Bath & Body Works.

    Charlotte Russe.


    Victoria's Secret.



    The Hobbit.

    Lord of the Rings.

    Harry Potter.


    The Perks of being a Wallflower.

    The Pact.

    House of Night Series.

    Catcher in the Rye.

    Sookie Stackhouse Series.

    Of Mice and Men.


    Animal Farm.

    Angels & Demons.


    The Handmaid's Tale.






    Hanging out.


    Taking Surveys.

    Making Surveys.






    Johnny Depp.



  3. 01. I love looking at the moon.

    02. I'm single.

    03. I'm nonsensical.

    04. When I'm by myself, I often scream/sing/talk in crazy voices.

    05. I wish I could go to school just for fun.

    06. When I'm in the shower, I form possible thesis statements for future papers.

    07. I hate when people type in all caps online.

    08. I wish I could be an artist.

    09. I try not to cry in front of people.

    10. I have one younger sister.

    11. I haven't had a good conversation on AIM in years.

    12. I like people who make me laugh.

    13. I strive to be a vegetarian.

    14. I miss Herr Lelko.

    15. I am addicted to reading.

    16. I think dorky boys are hot.

    17. I know how to do the Macarena.

    18. I adore Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

    19. Sarcasm is my friend.

    20. I want to try opium.

    21. I want to travel more.

    22. Sometimes I understand math...sometimes I don't.

    23. I have a great relationship with my mom.

    24. I've never done a list like this.

    25. I procrastinate.

    26. I like thrift stores.

    27. I love sleeping naked.

    28. I'm a weird person.

    29. I wish I spent more time with my friends.

    30. I want to accomplish more of the goals I've set for myself.

    31. I love new bed sheets.

    32. I write terribly boring livejournals.

    33. I wish I had a job I loved.

    34. I need to work out more.

    35. I love waking up early and going to bed late.

    36. When I die, I want to be buried on the moon.

    37. I'd also like to finish school too.

    38. I would love to run my own restaurant.

    39. My parents are married.

    40. I love making people happy.

    41. I need to stand in front of the Great Pyramids before I die.

    42. I want to study overseas.

    43. I don't mind getting shots.

    44. I like to sleep.

    45. I hate George Bush.

    46. I feel as though few people understand me.

    47. I spend too much time thinking.

    48. I wish I had people to dance with.

    49. I often feel like a clueless, naive person.

    50. I'm insane.

    51. I sleep in the fetal position.

    52. I've never had a job at Target.

    53. I want to own an apartment in NYC.

    54. I love having people read to me.

    55. I love being in the Flower Club.

    56. I want to be cremated.

    57. I am not a good musician, but wish I was.

    58. I enjoy talking in front of large groups of people.

    59. I don't like the President.

    60. I've been to Germany

    61. I would like to be a marine biologist.

    62. I saw a UFO once.

    63. I never wish I could turn my mind off.

    64. I love being creative.

    65. I would like to be fluent in another language.

    66. I love Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

    67. I've never told anyone all of my secrets.

    68. I hate it when people around me are sad. Makes me sad.

    69. One can never have too many picture frames.

    70. I sing, but not well.

    71. I love the rain.

    72. I wish I had better grammar.

    73. I wish I owned more pictures.

    74. I love WINE.

    75. I wish I was a real English Lady.

    76. I wish I could paint.

    77. I like to read.

    78. I can go to a bookstore and be there for hours.

    79. I might never get married.

    80. I like massages.

    81. I hope there is contact between humanity and extraterrestrials before I die. And I hope the extraterrestrials teach us how to be better.

    82. Ben and Jerry's ice cream is the best.

    83. I think I think too much.

    84. I live with my friends.

    85. I love learning new things.

    86. I like to sleep under a bunch of blankets.

    87. I love my room.

    88. While I've had some close calls, I've never met anyone who really reminds me of me.

    89. I wish more people paid attention to the news. And I wish I paid better attention to the news.

    90. I was a waitress and it was the worst year of my life.

    91. I wish I could live in my own house.

    92. I wish I was Irish.

    93. I wish I could spend my entire life traveling.

    94. I like old buildings.

    95. I think hating someone based on their gender, ethnicity, or sexual preference is stupid.

    96. I love the night sky!

    97. I'm confident.

    98. I have lots of regrets, and never believe people who tell me they have none.

    99. I don't want any children.

    100. I love my hair.




    I want to be...





    a hippie.


    a makeup artist.

    a mother.

    known for something.

    a crazy cat lady.

    a drummer for a band.

    a rapper.

    a pyschologist.

    someone people can come to when they need advice.




    like my mother.

    strong, emotionally.

    strong, physcially.

    someone's everything.



    a model.


    a public speaker.

    an astronaut.


    somewhere else.

    right about my prediction of the future.

    wrong about my prediction of the future.

    more liberated.

    closer to someone.

    left alone.



    the opposite sex.

    something I'll never be.

    more religious.

    more openminded.

    an author.

    young again.




    I have more than 4 piercings.

    I take showers in the morning.

    I love bubble baths.

    Like omfg.

    I have never watched "American Idol".

    Highschool sucks.

    I have a website other than a xanga.

    I've seen an episode of "The O.C.".

    Family Guy is awesome.

    WTF is Family Guy? (who's been living under a rock the last ten years?)

    I love rock music.

    I hate country music.

    I live in Florida.

    I have more guy friends than girl friends.

    I like to draw.

    PDA disgusts me.

    I don't really care if any couples are showing PDA.

    I live in the past way too much.

    I'm currently sad.

    Winter is my favorite season.

    I know at least one word in Spanish.

    I know at least one word in French.

    I love random surveys.

    No one can tell me who I can and cannot love.

    My parents are in my personal life too much.

    I have an older sister.

    My longest relationship lasted longer than one year.

    I can sing well.

    I love hugs.

    I don't like candy.

    I'm allergic to chocolate.

    I own a pair of Converse.

    I have an iPod.

    I have more than 30 CDs.

    My dog is my best friend.

    I have a stuffed unicorn.

    I laugh at my own jokes.

    I love laughing uncontrollably.

    I've laughed so hard before, I was on the floor.

    I've lost touch with most of my friends from elementary school that moved away.

    I love cereal.

    I have a penpal.

    I have music playing constantly.

    I love mangos.

    I own a piece of the opposite sex's clothing.

    Life was so much simpler when boys thought girls had cooties.

    I believe in miracles.

    I know how to speak a language (fluently) that most people wouldn't understand.

    I get headaches a lot.

    I have a headache right now.

    I can't leave the house without my cell phone.

    I can't leave the house without my iPod.

    I'm addicted to chocolate.

    I'm addicted to coffee.

    I can check my e-mail on my school's computers.

    Within the last year, a person has changed my life.

    My room is too messy.

    I like to write.

    I'm good at basketball.

    I'm good at almost every sport.

    I've been cheated on.

  4. you have brown eyes.

    your ipod is black.

    you don't live in the united states.

    you live near a beach.

    you don't have a favorite color.

    you have tattoos.

    you don't live with your parents.

    you grew up in the nineties.

    you can never sneeze just once.

    you hate all other earphones besides the ipod earbuds made by apple.

    you have/had a lip ring.

    you think eyebrow piercings are hideous.

    you love anthony green.

    bayside is amazing.

    you have insomnia.

    you've smoked 27's.

    you hate vodka.

    you can down beer like it's water.

    you have more than two sisters.

    you're not one for the kids.

    babies hate you.

    you're scared of fish.

    rivers and lakes don't really tickle your fancy either.

    your favorite animal is an underwater creature.

    you dance something other than hip hop.

    you don't like painting your nails.

    you recently moved.

    you have myspace.

    you have stickam.

    you have facebook.

    you have more pairs of underwear than you can count.

    you're a victoria's secret PINK junkie.

    you're from the west coast.

    you can legally drive in the united states.

    and another country.

    you're not so great at school.

    not cause you're dumb, you're just really lazy.

    you can't really fall asleep until around four a.m.

    you have a nice camera.

    you appreciate what you have.

    your parents allow you to get tattoos and piercings.

    you're closer to your grandpa and grandma than you are to your mom and dad.

    you do most of your survey taking late at night.

    you have a really shitty phone.



    Bold if you know someone who.....


    Whose name has an "x" in it.

    Got arrested.

    Has a belly button piercing.

    Is a vegetarian.

    Was on t.v.

    Has more than 5 siblings.

    Speaks another language fluently.

    Was adopted.

    Has been to Asia.

    Has a band.

    Drives a hummer.

    Has green eyes.

    Is a germophobe.

    Has been to Colorado.

    Plays piano.

    Who has a parent named "Joseph".

    Fails almost every test in school.

    Lived in Europe.

    Looks older than they are.

    Is stereotypically perfect.

    Who is on AIM almost 24/7.

    Whose name has been announced on the radio.

    Whose name is "Hector".

    Has moved more than 3 times.

    Is in the Army.

    Attempted suicide.

    Owns a bong.

    Is anorexic.

    Loves Bright Eyes.


  5. KA deserved that shit.




    But of course I always hope everyone the best :P


    lol yeah. but with the preview for next week she was yelling at the doctors and everyone saying "im not a pacient anymore so give me my cell phone" and "i cant believe youre giving up on your pacients like this"

    but she signed a contract this last episode saying that if she broke one more rule she would agree to leave


    and i confess goodnight everyone :)

  6. Nah I didn't. I don't watch every episode but when I get the chance to it's really entertaining.



    Tell me what happened "Red".


    Selma, the lady who checks up on the pacients, went to go get Kari Ann and bring her to group meeting. well KA just took all the time in the world getting ready and was late. So Slema went and kept on pestering KA about KA's needing to go to the meeting and it went on forever, they were both all up in eachother's faces. finally, KA threw a vase (i think at Selma) "at the wall" and Selma reacted by grabbing KA's hair and pushing her against the wall.


    Selma was fired.


    It was a HUGE dramatic moment for everyone. but considering KA's rape, molestation and beatings (a lot of them have been through that) its understandable why they had to let Selma go. It was the company's rules that no staff member is to lay their hands on a pacient in an aggressive manner.


    KA still annoys me though

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