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Posts posted by Red

  1. What's your favorite color gummy bear?

    red. cherry things always have more flava


    Did you reply to the last person who messaged you?

    i think so


    Have you ever made up/sang a song for someone you cared about?

    i always dedicate my fave songs to my friends


    Ever had a song sang about/for you?

    my friend will write them down in notes...but no, never had one actually sung(sang?) for me


    Is there a baby in the room with you right now?

    sadly, no. i miss my niece :'(


    Do you know how to dance?

    ballet dance, yes


    Where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or other?

    anywhere in my house and school


    What is your favorite thing that is green?

    my eyes :P


    What did your last text message say?

    "Yeah. I'll be back in bout 20mins. Gonna take a shower" i actually never got back to her


    What is the way to your heart?

    JESUS! lol, yay for Sunday school answers. Music


    What do you smell like?

    right now? sweat. but my freinds tell me i smell good whenever they hug me and they never give me an explanation when i ask for one >.<


    What's in your pocket?



    Anything in your mouth?

    my tongue and teeth and...oh...wait...nothing :D


    Ever hurt yourself playing Wii?



    Do you have freckles?

    ages three-11, not anymore


    How many languages can you say "Hello" in?

    like...two, three including pig latin no! four!


    What's the last movie you saw in the theatre?



    Ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on?



    Are you in love with someone right now?

    No way jose


    What's the last thing you watched on TV?

    Gown Crazy (i love the guy on it!)


    What's the last video game you played?

    I think....SulCalibur4????


    Who is your daddy and what does he do?

    Wallace and he works in the car buisness


    Can you do the alphabet in sign language?

    no sir


    Do you have an uncle named Joe?

    ptch. no


    Do you wear glasses?

    Yuppers, but only when im driving, watching Tv or actually want to see something thats far away....


    What can you hear right now?

    Dishwasher, TV, my clanking on the keyboard


    Did you feel better or worse or the same yesterday?



    Ever been overseas?



    What are your plans for today?

    take a shower and go to sleep :D


    What was your favorite childhood show?

    Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Dragon Ball Z, Yu-Yu Hakisho(sp?) and Ruronie Kenchin or whatever his name was


    Are you close to your siblings?

    depends on which one youre talking about


    What was your first job?

    helping my mom and aunt at their store

    now nothing

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