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Posts posted by Red

  1. 40 Questions, be HONEST


    1. Name one song that reminds you of an ex? I don't have an ex


    2. Where was your default pic taken? nooo idea


    3. What's your middle name? cant remember


    4. Care about someone? yes


    5. Honestly, does your crush like you? as insane as it sounds I don't have a crush


    6. What is your current mood? content


    7.What color underwear are you wearing right now? orange


    8. What makes you happy? many things


    10. If you could go back in time, and change something what would you change? telling her about rob


    12. Something you do a lot? burst into song


    14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now? the sound of freakin music


    15. Who did you copy and paste this from? Becca


    16. When was the last time you cried? march i think


    18. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience? Yuppers


    19. If you could have one super power what would it be? fly without wings


    20. First thing you notice about the opposite sex? them


    21. What do you usually order from Starbucks? white peppermint mocha


    22. Favorite color? red


    24. When was the last time you lied? yesterday???


    25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows? whenever theyre on and only if it was my favorite back in the day


    WHERE IS 26????? only jesus knows


    27. What are you eating or drinking at the moment? grilled cheese and diet coke


    28. Do you speak any other language? spanish but not well


    29. What's your favorite smell? rain, freshly mowed grass and a new book


    30. If you could describe your life in one word what would it be? confusing


    31. When was the last time you gave/received a hug? today


    32. Have you ever been kissed in the rain? Nope


    33. What are you thinking about right now? how the hell am i gonna sing this song?! im an alto!


    34. What should you be doing? my personal manifesto


    35. What was the last thing that made you upset/angry? finding out that trish's ex was just using her as an experiment


    37. Do you like working in the yard? yes


    38. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want it to be? i like mine actually lol


    39. Do you act differently around a crush? I try not toact any differently but who knows if i actually keep to that


    40. What are you listening to right now? the sound of freakin music

  2. Things I've done this week.


    Helped someone in need.

    Hung out with a significant other.

    Slept next to someone.

    Cooked for myself.

    Cooked for someone else.



    Played Monopoly.


    Had sex.

    Took at least 2 tests.

    Freaked out.

    Cleaned my room.

    Made plans

    Created a Tumblr account.

    Told someone "Happy Birthday".

    Held an animal.

    Had a headache.

    Did homework.

    Watched more than 4 movies.

    Painted my nails.

    Talked to someone I haven't seen in a long time.


    Fought with a parent.

    Took a picture.

    Watched a sports game.

    Had a case of road rage.

    Gave somebody the finger.

    Went to school.

    Paid attention during an entire class.

    Slept during class.

    Texted during class.

    Gave somebody a ride home.

    Went to a friend's house.

    Visited somebody at work.

    Spent time with my family.

    Ate fast food.

    Crashed a friend's class.

    Met somebody new.

    Hung out with friends.

    Studied for a test.

    Worked on an essay.

    Went to a casino.

    Laughed until my sides hurt.

    Ate at a buffet.

    Bought something.

    Wore flip flops.

    Wore make up.

    Took a lot of pictures.

    Took pictures with friends.

    Took care of a sick sibling.

    Heard somebody speak in another language.

    Took a nap in a car.

    Took a nap on a sofa.

    Gotten into an argument.

    Made a list of some sort.


    Changed my Myspace background.

    Created a survey.


    Lied to my parents.

    Fought with a significant other.

    Apologized to somebody.

    Hugged somebody.

    Bit somebody.

    Felt guilty.

    Spent nearly an entire day with friends.

    Drove somebody else's car.

    Backed my car up into something.

    Filled my gas tank.

    Wore multiple bracelets.

    Texted somebody.

    Talked to my best friend.

    Told somebody a secret.

    Learned something new.

    Talked to someone on webcam.

    Used an instant messenger.

    Flirted shamelessly.

    Updated my iPod.

    Felt confused.

    Talked to my crush.

    Saw my significant other.

    Kissed someone.

    Went somewhere new.

    Introduced somebody to a new food.

    Danced in the car.

    Sang obnoxiously.

    Talked on the phone for over an hour.

    Lost something down the drain.

    Felt hopeless/useless.

    Read a text book.

    Listened to a mix CD.

    Uploaded pictures onto my computer.

    Skipped class.

    Talked to an ex.

    Had somebody describe a dream they had about me.

    Took a funny picture.

    Told somebody that I love them.

  3. Fifty little secrets. Be honest no matter what...


    Zero - Who was your last text from? Laura


    One - Where was your default pic taken? no idea


    Two - Do you like/love someone? a lot of people


    Three - Have you ever lost a close friend? death wise, no. but through other means, yes


    Four - What is your current mood? happy


    Five - What's your brother's name? big brother, big bro and little bor


    Six-Where do you wish you were right now? in a not busy starbucks


    Seven - Have a wild side? Yup


    Eight-Have you ever had a near death experience? yesss


    Nine - Something you say a lot. "Dude"


    Ten - Angry at anyone? Not today :)


    Twelve - When was the last time you cried? why is this question ALWAYS asked???? last time i remember, it was in march


    Thirteen - Is there anyone you would do almost anything for? many people


    Fourteen - What do you think about when you are falling asleep? Anything and Everything


    Fifteen - Do you still have pictures of an ex boyfriend/girlfriend? nope


    Sixteen - What was the last thing in your mouth? Diet Coke


    Seventeen - Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Caleb


    Eighteen - What is your favorite song? Pieces by Red BBBB by Paramore and Missing bby Flyleaf


    Nineteen - What are you doing right now? This and listening to Roslyn by Bon Iver and St. Vincent.


    Twenty - Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? school.


    Twenty one - Last girl you hung out with? Trish


    Twenty two - Do you enjoy drama? love it


    Twenty three - Describe your life in four words...crazy, spontanious,fun,confusing


    Twenty four - Who are you thinking of right now? catherine


    Twenty five - What should you be doing right now? getting ready to go to a concert


    Twenty six - What are you listening to? Roslyn by Bon Iver and St.Vincent


    Twenty seven - Does it annoy you when PEOPlEzz TYP3 likE THiS?yeeessssssss


    Twenty eight - Who was the last person who yelled at you? Griffin


    Twenty nine - Do you act differently around the person you like? i try not to so im not sure


    Thirty - What’s your natural hair color? dirty blonde/brown


    Thirty one - Who was the last person to make you laugh? Mom


    Thirty two - Why were you last sad? i was thinking about what i would do if catherine killed herself...


    Thirty three - Is your hair naturally curly or straight? straight


    Thirty four - Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before? hahaha no!


    Thirty five - Do you enjoy reading? oh yeah


    Thirty six - Gone skinny dipping in the past week? never in my life


    Thirty seven - Do you use smiley faces on the computer? Yes


    Thirty eight - Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? lol yeah! like ive got all teh way freakin nakes....that was an interesting day


    Thirty nine - Are you happy with life right now? right now???? yes, but thats only because im not thinkning about anything else but this at the the moment


    Forty - Are you currently jealous? Nope


    Forty one - Have you ever been suspended from school? my parents would kill me so no


    Forty two - What are you doing Friday night? i went to Carolyn's dance recital


    Forty three - Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes but it was by a friend and also by big brother


    Forty four - Have you ever broken someone's heart? yes and i hate myself for it....but it wouldnt have been fair for either of us if i faked my feelings


    Forty five - Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now? nah


    Fourty six - What are you looking forward to? today :)


    Fourty seven - How late did you stay up last night? 1:15 i sucked into a lifetime movie which was really irksome


    Fourty eight - Does anyone like you right now? Yes


    Fourty nine- Have you been stressed lately? yuppers


    Fifty- You want something right now? yup

  4. 1. NAME.?: AR

    2. AGE.?: 18

    3. LOCATION.?: UnutedfreakinStatesofAmerica

    4. BIRTHDAY.?: soemtime in the fall

    5. BIRTHPLACE.?: the South

    6. GENDER.?: female.

    7. HEIGHT.?: 5'4"

    8. WEIGHT.?: no comment

    9. HAIR COLOUR.?: currently...orange...naturally, dirty blonde but since ive grown up since 10th garde, brown

    10. EYE COLOUR.?: green/blue/grey it changes

    11. SHOE SIZE.?: 7.5


    -*F A V O U R I T I S M*-

    12. COLOUR.?: red

    13. ANIMAL.?: lynx and panda

    14. FOOD.?: chili

    15. DRINK.?: diet coke

    16. STORE.?: sephora

    17. RESTAURANT.?: chipotle

    18. SONG.?: pieces by red

    19. MUSIC.?: memento mori(flyleaf), BNE and Innocence and Instinct (Red)

    20. MOVIE.?: the big kahuna

    21. BOOK.?: any book by Ellen Hopkins, Speak, and Looking for Alaska

    22. T.V SHOW.?: gilmore girls and house and lost

    23. SINGER.?: a fine frenzy


    -*F A M I L Y*-

    24. PARENT'S NAMES.?: ma and pa

    25. SIBLINGS.?: 4

    26. NAMES AND AGES.?: big brother, big bro, little bro, and sis in law

    27. WHO DO YOU LIVE WITH.?: ma pa little bro and sometimes big bro

    28. WHO DO YOU GET ALONG WITH.?: all of them except big brother

    29. PARENTS MARRIED OR DIVORCED.?: thankfully no

    30. FAVOURITE FAMILY MEMBER.?: my niece :D



    -*F R I E N D S H I P*-


    33. HIS NAME.?: Billy

    34. AGE.?: 18


    36. BEST THING ABOUT HIM.?: he pretends to listen

    37. WORST THING ABOUT HIM.?: he's "in love" with me

    38. ANYTHING YOU'D WANT TO CHANGE ABOUT HIM.?: make him fall out of love with me


    40. HAS HE MET YOUR PARENTS.?: nope


    42.HER NAME.?: TK and Trish and Becky

    43. AGE.?: 18, 17 and 17

    44. HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN EACH OTHER.?: 6 for Becky, 2 and a half for TK and four for Trish

    45. BEST THING ABOUT HER.?: they all listen and are willing to give me a slap in the face

    46. WORST THING ABOUT HER.?: i rarely ever get to see Becky adn TK anymore and nothing with Trish


    47. HAVE YOU EVER ARGUED WITH HER.?: yuppers

    48. HAS SHE MET YOUR PARENTS.?: most def


    -*R E L A T I O N S H I P*-

    49. SINGLE OR TAKEN.?: single

    50. ARE YOU HAPPY WITH THAT.?: yuppers


    52. IF SO, WHAT'S HIS/HER NAME.?: Taylor the Latte Boy

    53. AGE.?: 21 :D

    54. BIRTHDAY.?: October 3rd

    55. WHAT'S THEIR HOBBY.?: playing the acoustic and singing

    56. WHAT DO YOU TWO DO TOGETHER.?: watch movies and go to starbucks

    57. ARE YOU IN LOVE.? : i do beleive so

    58. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN TOGETHER.?: since the dawn of time.......

    59. HOW DID YOU MEET.?: he works at starbucks and i coem ine everyday at 8:11 and one day...he fixed me a double latte and didnt think i knew....it was love...

    60. WHEN DID YOU MEET.?: the first day of time........

    61. GET ALONG WITH THEIR FRIENDS.?: only when theyre drunk

    62. THEY GET ALONG WITH YOURS.?: when theyre sober :D

    63. BEST THING ABOUT THEM.?: they make me look sane

    64. WORST THING ABOUT THEM.?: tehyre boring when tehyre sober


    66. IF YOU'RE SINGLE, ARE YOU CRUSHING.?: sadly no

    67. ON WHO.?: n/a

    68. DOES HE/SHE KNOW.?: n/a

    69. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN LOVE.?: once upon a december

    70. WHO WAS YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP WITH.?: never been in one

    71. WHY DID IT END.?: what????


    -*H A V E Y O U E V E R*-

    72. DID DRUGS.?: no

    73. HAD SEX.?: no

    74. SLEPT IN A BED OF THE OPPOSITE SEX.?: ummm, my little bro whenw e were like 7 and my parents only had two ebd in the hotel rooom

    75. SAW YOUR BESTFRIEND NAKED.?: thankfully no

    76. CHEATED.?: no

    77. BEEN CHEATED ON.?: no


    79. BEEN PRANK CALLED.?: yes

    80. PANTSED SOMEONE.?: nope

    81. BEEN PANTSED.?: not yet

    82. HAD A MOVIE MARATHON.?: yup

    83. CUSSED OUT A TEACHER.?: not to their face

    84. YELLED AT AN ELDERLY PERSON.?: hell no! you must not ahve grown up in my house asking THAT question!

    85. FELT GUILTY.?: yes

    86. STOLEN SOMETHING.?:nope

    87. LIED TO GET OUT OF TROUBLE.?: multiple times

    88. BEEN IN LOVE.?: you've asked this already

    89. GOT YELLED AT.?: yes




    93. THREATENED SOMEONE.?: not seriously


    -*D O Y O U*-

    94. LOVE SOMEONE.?: i love many people

    95. DRINK.?: sadly no

    96. SMOKE.?: nope

    97. HATE SOMEONE.?: yes

    98. MISS SOMEONE.?: yes

    99. FEEL HAPPY.?: i did this morning and then i ruined it with a roo much caffeine which =crashing

    100. FEEL SAD.?: not until you asked me!

    101. FEEL GUILTY.?: yes

    102. DRIVE.?: yes

    103. CUSS.?: yes

    104. PLAY ANY SPORT.?: nope


    -*L A S T S*-

    105. KISS.?: ma on teh cheek

    106. THING YOU DRANK.?: diet coke

    107. THING YOU ATE.?: pizza

    108. THING YOU BOUGHT.?: tickets

    109. STORE YOU WENT TO.?: safeway



    112. HUG.?: carolyn

    113. TIME YOU WERE ANGRY.?: today at lunch


    -*F I R S T S*-

    114. KISS.?: do cyber kisses count?

    115. BEST FRIEND.?: jessie j

    116. CRUSH.?: jacob

    117. PET.?: dog

    118. TEACHER.?: 6th grade so tehre were 7

    119. LIFE LESSON.?: i was oen day old

    120. HEARTBREAKING MOMENT.?: 9th grade

    121. RELATIONSHIP.?: summer between 9th adn 10th garde...it was over the internet


    -*T H I S O R T H A T*-

    122. PEPSI OR COKE.?: coke baby

    123. FOOD OR WATER.?: food

    124. LOVE OR MONEY.?: love

    125. SUNRISE OR SUNSET.?: sunset

    126. MCDONALDS OR BURGER KING.?: eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww

    127. TACO BELL OR DEL TACO.?: del taco even though ive never had it

    128. WAL MART OR KMART.?: walmart

    129. LITTLE CAESARS OR HUNGRY HOWIES.?: little ceasars

    130. T.I OR JAY Z.?: neither

    131. JEREMIAH OR SEAN KINGSTON.?: Sean Kingston

    132. SIMPLE PLAN OR BLINK 182.?: blink 182

    133. JAY SEAN OR JASON DERULO.?: quien???? is that spelling right lol

    134. RAP OR ROCK.?: rock

    135. POP OR ROCK.?: both??????

    136. METAL OR COUNTRY.?: country

    137. FRIENDS OR FAMILY.?: WTF???????

    138. FUTURE OR PAST.?: present please

    139. READ OR WRITE.?: impossible to choose

    140. SING OR DANCE.?: both

    141. SHY OR OUTGOING.?: outgoing

    142. SUN OR MOON.?: moon

    143. SATURDAY OR FRIDAY.?: friday because circle days are on fridays!

    144. SUMMER OR WINTER.?: winter

    145. SPRING OR FALL.?: fall


    -*E N D O F S U R V E Y*-:

    DID YOU LIKE IT.?: no

    WHY/ WHY NOT.?: toooooooo long

  5. None of my friends are virgins.

    I regret losing my virginity to the person I lost it to.

    I always think I'm pregnant :P.

    I love, love, love weed.

    I wear makeup daily.

    I have over three different piercings.

    Ugh, I really don't think I'm getting into college.

    The only non-alcoholic beverage I really ever drink is Mountain Dew.

    I could never see myself in the military.

    I do not go tanning.

    Lately I've had trouble falling asleep at night.

    My parents aren't strict, at all.

    I have kissed someone who's name starts with a 'P'.

    Words cannot describe how much I hate the stupid Twilight craze.

    I don't write notes on Facebook.

    I'm so fucking stubborn and I hate it so much.

    I have been in plenty of physical fights. All with the same person.

    I only smoke cigarettes socially.

    I have been hit on by construction workers.

    I have an irrational fear of having to get my appendix taken out.

    I leave all of my homework and projects until the last minute.

    My school has a lot of rules but they're not heavily enforced.

    I'm currently under the influenceee.

    Jolt energy drinks are sososo good.

    I realllly want to be a guy for a day!

    Teachers NEVER randomly call on me to answer questions in class.

    I never raise my hand to answer questions in class.

    I always rest my feet on the back of someone's chair/desk in school.


    I wish I gave a fuck about the important shit in my life.

    I can't help but laugh my asssss off whenever someone falls.

    I currently don't have a status on Facebook.

    Three words can sum up my weekends: weed, alcohol, partying.---

    I have my own car

    My hair is down

    My best friend is a girl

    I'm not a fan of Harry Potter

    I've gone to the movies in the past week

    I'm currently mad at someone

    Sometimes I slack off at work

    I'm wearing shoes

    I have a tan

    I have/had a pet fish

    I don't live with my parents

    I can honestly say I like all genres of music

    I recently got in a car accident

    I love to ride horses

    I live near Walmart

    I've snuck out of my parents house

    I've done/do drugs

    I have an older brother

    I know the value of a dollar

    I want a dog so bad!

    Lately I haven't been able to sleep

    I like the show The Secret Life of the American Teenager

    I dominate hoola hoop contests

    I am an American Citizen

    I've been on a cruise

    I'm left handed

    My nails are usually painted

    I can play an instrument

    I can drive a stick shift

    I make my bed every day

    My favorite color is green

    I am shorter than 5'5

    I love trampolines

    I should be doing something else right now

    I haven't been to church in a while

    I know how to send a fax

    I have a tattoo

    I can read sheet music

    There is a country that I really want to go to before I die

    I still climb trees

    I think I'll be a good parent

    I can change the oil in my car

    I keep my nails short

    Once upon a time I was gothic

    I'm currently texting someone

    I usually remember my dreams

    I love English/writing

    I'm listening to my favorite artist

    I saw the movie Taken and really liked it

    I like long car rides

    I love Disney World

    It's been a while since I had something to eat

    I drink energy drinks

    When I was little I wanted to be famous

    I know all the celebrity gossip

    I'm currently freezing

    I know what I want to do for the rest of my life

    I've had road rash and it sucks

    I have never been in a limo

    Summer is my favorite season

    My father and I have issues

    I love Chinese food

    People constantly underestimate me <--underestimate how annoying i can be :P

    I'm waiting for something big to happen

  6. I have a step or half sibling.

    I have velvet pants.

    I have a t-shirt from a museum exhibit.

    I’ve been to Dunkin’ Donuts before.

    I’ve been on the subway.

    I usually get movies from the library.

    I’m scared of heights.

    I should be asleep right now.

    I have something that smells like mint.

    I have spare batteries.

    My speakers are off right now.

    My computer is in my bedroom.

    I only have one blanket on my bed.

    I own or have owned a teddy bear.

    I’ve memorized Bohemian Rhapsody.

    I’ve played Runescape.

    I like to make lists.

    I’ve listened to the Beach Boys.

    I am very flexible.

    In bookstores, I walk around with my head tilted sideways.

    I’m wearing a hoodie.

    I know a lot of weird facts.

    I’ve watched Nightmare on Elm Street before.

    I know what papillon means in English.

    Sufjan Stevens makes me happy.

    I wish my nose was smaller.

    Who lives in North Dakota, anyway?

    I like to eat goldfish.

    I get at least three e-mails per day.

    I smile a lot.

    I use “however” instead of “but” when writing an essay.

    I’ve seen The Breakfast Club.

    I’ve had a burping contest with someone.

    And I won the contest.

    I like sharing books with my friends.

    I usually recognize the poets my English teacher talks about.

    A stranger has given me a high five for no reason.

    I’ve been to a Harry Potter book release party.

    I usually need to be reminded to eat.

    I have tiny hands.

    I like to look for shapes in the plaster on my ceiling.

    I prefer pencils to pens.

    I write on my hands when I need to remember something.

    I’ve been to a roller skating rink.

    I own a piece of clothing that is rainbow patterned.

    I own a piece of clothing with skulls on it.

    I am extremely patient.

    I wish I could dance well.

    I’ve been to an ice skating rink.

    I have a lot of trouble falling asleep at night.

    I’ve been on the high honor roll.

    I have a purse with flowers on it.

    I love to people watch.

    I’ve written an acrostic poem.

    I have bad posture.

    I’ve fallen asleep in class.

    I am very easily embarrassed.

    I liked to make up stories when I was a kid.

    Whenever I ride my bike, I’m tempted to start singing Bicycle Race.

    I take prescription creams/face washes/pills for acne. (yet i have clear skin...funny)

    I drink milk daily.

    I’ve been told I act like I’m on drugs.

    I’ve been told I look like I’m on drugs.

    I have my hair up in a bun.

    I own something Beatles-related.

    I don’t use the caps lock key often.

    I have very strong opinions.

    I love to eat grinders.

    I don’t call long sandwiches grinders.

    Teachers have asked me if I’m depressed.

    More than once.

    I don’t care what you think of me.

    I have a toothache.

    Wonderwall is my “I like someone” song.

    There’s a book beside or on my bed.

    I hate innuendo.

    I really admire improvisational comedians.

    I don’t like gym class.

    I am going to do better this academic year.

    I don’t use the word fag. Ever.

    I’ve been told I have a beautiful singing voice.

    I can read Shakespeare without translations.

    I adore English class.

    I know what the kinsey scale is.

    I read more than one book at a time.

    I love places that sell dollar-a-cup coffee.

    The Magic School Bus taught me a lot.

    I liked to dance on the kitchen table as a kid.

  7. I like the smell of permanent marker.

    I like to eat and watch TV at the same time.

    I wear too many hair accessories

    I get stressed out easy

    I am on medication

    I like oranges

    I have the hiccups

    Pink is my favorite color

    I have been in a hurricane

    I know a Melanie.

    I wish too much

    I get pizza delivered to my house a lot

    I work

    I think about strange things

    I had spaghetti sometime this week

    I have never ridden in an airplane

    I sing in the shower

    I like to take bubble baths

    Long nails are scary

    My car has neon lights

    I feel cute right now

    My bus driver is a woman.

    I don't hate anyone

    I am very optimistic

    I have a security system in my house

    I've had shin splints before

    I have gone out of country for a camp before

    Candles are all over my house

    The lights are on in the room I am in.

    I watch Sports Center

    I have a Hallmark card

    I sew

    I suck at cooking yet still do it

    Yellowcard is a good band.

    I bought the Click Five CD

    Personality tests are fun to take.

    I go invisible online a lot

    I am always thinking about the future

    I saw "Wedding Crashers" in theaters

    Lindsay Lohan is a good actress

    My head itches.

    I can't go anywhere without my phone

    My friends think they're better than me

    I think I'm better than my friends

    Everything happens for a reason

    I have lied today

    Tan is the color of my house

    I draw hearts a lot

    Too many people ask me for rides

    Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday

    I like mint chocolate chip ice cream

    Praying mantis' are cool looking

    I keep a lot of things private

    My birthday is within the next month

    I have had a song played just for me

    I have been white water rafting

    I have never kissed a guy

    It is earlier than 8 in the morning

    I listen to Relient K

    I have an indoor job

    I have a digital camera

    I have a few things playing on my mind

    I am a very paranoid person

    I own some pink underwear

    I hate summer

    I have seen the DaVinci Code

    I have read it

    I need a haircut

    The part I like least about my body are my boobs

    I am rarely ever serious

    I can't speak any other language but my own

    My teeth aren't white

    I want to have black hair

    I have a tanned complexion

    People say I'm somewhat of a hippy

    When I was little I used to watch "Rugrats" religiously

    I am a tomboy

    Some people seem to think they can treat me like a doormat

    I have a small nose

    I only have one pair of shoes

    Someone I knew recently died

    I am a writer

    I would kiss someone I hated for $10,000

    My hair is dirty blonde

    I hate camping

    I like dark imagery

    Sometimes I hear voices in my head

    I love the movie Braveheart

    I cleaned my room today

    I love musicals

    I have been seriously burnt before

    My dog has viciously bitten me before

    I hate dogs

    I own something striped

    Last Christmas was my best ever

    I sometimes wear hair bands

    I love smokey eye makeup

    I want to be seduced

    I love to read

    I love fancy jewelry

    I have bags beneath my eyes

    I only ever wear make up when I go out

    I am watching TV right now

    What's the point to algebra, trignometry, calculus, etc. anyway?

    I have a laptop

    I still like reading picture books

    I have friends who are more than 5 years younger than me

    AIM sucks

    I take the pens and notepads from hotels

    Negative people suck

    I love oxymorons

    I have never had a cavity

    I don't know what I want to be when I grow up

    I get carsick easily

    I ALWAYS seem to get stuck behind the screaming kid on airplanes

    I've never been on an airplane

    I'm a chronic procrastinator

    The Band is a really unorginal band name

    I don't find many horror movies scary

    I <3 the Muppets

    The Mona Lisa is the most overrated painting ever

    I have been pushed into a pool before

    With all my clothes on

    I secretly like some 80s pop songs

    I don't like writing

    I know what a gerund is

    I don't care about gerunds

    I follow politics

    I follow fashion

    I follow the leader

    I AM the leader

    i'm rad

    I love neon colors

    I love southern drawls

    I can tell the difference between Irish, British, and Australian accents

    I am British!

    I have gotten spam for Viagra

    I have won something from a radio station

    I won't read a book if it's longer than 300 pages

    Pants are good. Wear them.

    I always leave the "Friends" section of surveys blank

    Because I have no friends

    I like happy endings

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