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Posts posted by Red

  1. I am texting someone right now.

    I have a stomach ache.

    It's freezing in my room right now.

    I hate my advisor.

    I have to work tomorrow.

    My sibling always asks me questions.

    I hate having dry skin.

    I have crap thrown all over my room.

    I tend to find a lot of people annoying.

    My cat sometimes acts like a dog.

    I am NOT listening to music right now.

    I wish I had more time to read. Damn school.

    I pretty much only wear jeans.

    My pet likes to stare at me a lot.

    i never capitalize the begining of my sentences when i type.

    i'm currently wearing a retainer.

    i can't wait for this weekend.

    i have homework to do.

    but i'm procrastinating by doing this.

    my grandma has a facebook

    i named my car.

    i have a half brother but i consider him my full brother.

    i want to go to italy more than anything.

    i really want a new phone.

    the guy i love lives in a different state than me.

    i'm still talking to my ex.

    i've wanted a tattoo forever but i still don't know what to get.

    i think i want my monroe pierced.

    enough with the twilight craze!

    i have been taking surveys for three years and my parents still don't know.

    i've been going tanning lately.

    i'm better with faces than names.

    i'm always thinking about the past even though i wish i didn't.

    i want colored contacts.

    some part of my body is in pain right now.

    i'm dreading the weather getting colder.

    i feel like i'm the only single one out of all my friends.

    i took a nap today.

    i love coffee but i never have time/money for it.

    i smoke a ciggarette every morning before i get ready.

    i'm trying to quit smoking ciggarettes. I never totally quit social smoking haha

    i plan on drinking this weekend.

    i actually liked lady gaga's performance at the VMA'S.

    i always get the meatball marinara when i go to subway.

    i don't have a favorite color.

    i'm probably one in a million people that doesn't like ice cream.

    i used to have a camera but it broke.

    i think hispanic boys are gorgeous.

    shirley temples are the best non alcoholic drink to ever exist.

    i always want new shoes and purses.

    my car needs an oil change.

    i don't think i'll ever get sick of watching friends reruns.

    i desperately need a job right now.

    i go to an art school.

    sad, but true i've memorized the free credit report commericals.

    i get jealous when other girls talk to the guys i like even if i know they're just friends.

    i've read the giver before.

    i change my mind too much.

    i honestly think i have bipolar disorder.

    i tend to use sarcasm a lot.

    i probably take too many surveys for my own good.

    i hate wearing socks.

    i always feel like i'm talking really loud.

    i really need to bring up my grades

    i probably overuse smiley faces on the internet.

    i want to get a new hairstyle.

    i've always loved dancing even though i suck at it.

    i want to be a kindergarden teacher when i'm older.

    soccer is the only sport i've ever been good at.

    the only jeans i wear anymore are skinny jeans.

    mcdonalds doesn't taste good to me anymore.

    i like reading seventeen magazine just for the horoscope.

    i wish i could cook.

    i only watch the olympics for gymnastics.

    i've used white stripes before and they actually worked.

    i'm a lot closer with my mom than i used to be.

    i have a friend who i consider my little brother.

    my room needs a makeover.

    there's something sexy about skater guys.

    i have a ton of body sprays from victoria's secret.

    the laptop i'm on always overheats and shuts off by itself.

    i completely support gay marriage.

    i want to try the instyler pro spinning hairstraightener.

    i still don't understand twitter.

    i've always wanted a hammock in my backyard.

    i used to like dogs better than cat's, now it's the other way around.

    nintendo 64 will always have my heart. :')

    i have trust issues and i actually think it's a good thing.

    i should probably get some sleep.

  2. I love bolding surveys.

    A Walk to Remember is my favorite movie of all time.

    I wear black more than any other color, but I am not gothic.

    I genuinely care for my friends.

    I don't trust people easily, thanks to past experiences.

    Romance novels fascinate me.

    I am female.

    I do not wear glasses, but I probably should.

    Switchfoot is an amazing band.

    I have never seen the movie "Phantom of the Opera".

    I did not attend preschool as a child.

    I have an older brother.

    I am an aunt (or uncle).

    I am too organized.

    My shoulders are always hot, but my feet are always cold.

    This is not the first survey I have ever taken.

    I am interested in taking psychology classes.

    I think men are sexy.

    I refuse to use any other brand of tissue, besides Kleenex.

    Duct tape annoys me more than it amuses me.

    Easter used to be my favorite holiday.

    My lips are chapped at this moment.

    I was afraid of the monster under my bed as a child.

    I decide I want to take a survey only if I see a certain question that I'd like to answer.

    I have never left this country.

    The word "fluffy" makes me laugh.

    I have cried within the last 24 hours.

    My fingertips are freezing cold.

    Normally I don't eat breakfast. I think I should start.

    I will never do drugs.

    I really don't like country music.

    I have a cat.

    I have thrown up from crying too much before.

    I love Sushi

    I crack my knuckles often.

    I'm not in any sports.

    I play the acoustic guitar, and I love it.

    I have only been to 2 concerts before in my life. [1]

    I've only kissed one person unrelated to me, so far.

    I used to want to be a vegetarian.

    Now I want to be a writer.

    Or a graphic designer...

    I get along better with guys.

    I used to like Pokemon.

    I am mostly French heritage.

    I believe in God and have faith in Him.

    Lip rings are arousing.

    I love and get along with my cousins.

    I had a pet turtle one summer.

    I get excited about getting new underwear.

    I need a boost in my self-esteem.

    I've thought about suicide.

    I love receiving mail and e-mail.

    I've had a penpal before.

    I can't sleep on my back. I just can't.

    I hate public bathrooms.

    I listen to my parents; it's just that sometimes I really don't care.

    Once in my life, I named a pigeon. Bert.

    I laugh when I watch old home videos

    I used to be obsessed with the Spice Girls.

    I once started a fire in my microwave.

    I wish on Tootsie Roll Pop wrappers.

    I really like the name Mathias.

    I often fake my happiness for the benefit of others.

    I keep a diary online and a diary on paper.

    I love reading. It takes me away from reality.

    I don't like getting my picture taken.

    The OC is my favorite TV show ever.

    I am in the mood to take a shower.

    I feel like crying when I look at old pictures.

    I am in the mood to kiss somebody. Anybody.

    I might be in love with my best friend..

    I have now officially watched all three High School Musical movies.

    I don't think Zac Efron is all that hot, honestly.

    I don't even like one single song from any of the three movies.

    I've been involved in a school musical before.

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