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Tech Guru
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Status Updates posted by Dustin

  1. Looks like iOS 5.0.1 is a success. My battery is performing much better now. #iPhone #apple #ios5

  2. FP Customers: Soc 2.1 update is now available. It includes IP.Chat 1.4 support AND a FREE mobile skin! #fp #ipb

  3. FP Customers: IP.Chat 1.4 update for skins coming in next release (soon) which will include free mobile skins! #fp #ipb

  4. "A Haunter's laugh is more adorable than a baby's laugh" -Matt Ballas

  5. Siri, get me a Red Bull.

  6. I have absolutely no idea what time it is anymore.

  7. It's official. My iPhone 4S has now replaced my Canon PowerShot as my video camera. #amazingqualityvideo

  8. "Do you want some salt on your Powerade?" http://t.co/9a2PeGe5

  9. Breakfast for breakfast, breakfast for lunch, and breakfast for dinner. #delicious

  10. Post-Concert depression starts.....now.

  11. The "We Are the Movement" show was sooo good. If you weren't there you missed out.

  12. So ready for the show at The Space tonight. #goodmusic

  13. I've got the concert itch. Need another show ASAP. Good thing that will happen tomorrow.

  14. There should be a rule that no one can buy or sell stocks based on anything Greece fucks up.

  15. (cont) wood to keep warm, and the soot from the burning wood is way above safe levels. #crazy

  16. Siri is down. I have no idea how to manage my own life now. Send help! RT @mashable: Siri Down: Apple iPhone Voice Assistant Missing

  17. Steve Jobs special on PBS.

  18. Lesson to Google: You can't put crap on non-Google operating systems and expect everyone to love mediocrity. Quality is key.

  19. That #GTAV trailer was very...lackluster.

  20. This week sucks. I need it to be November 5th already. #concertlife

  21. "OMG STAY OUT OF MY BRAIN." -@mischaaa (I'm sorry, Mischa, I'm afraid I can't do that.) #hal9000impression

  22. Does anyone know why my iPhone would duplicate songs for a specific album (but not in iTunes)? #itunes #apple #help #support #iphone

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