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Tech Guru
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Status Updates posted by Dustin

  1. Making brownies for tomorrow. I'm a pro.

  2. RT @OMGFacts The Brontosaurus NEVER EXISTED. Not only that, there isn't even a dinosaur that loo.. http://bit.ly/aBdQkF

  3. So much fun tonight at the fireworks. This also proves that I get along much better with my 40-60 year old friends than young, hip folks.

  4. Amen. RT @chrisjacobs7: People who refuse to embrace technologies that would simplify tasks and enhance their life really frustrate me.

  5. Glad to see a couple familiar names in the Home Run Derby. I'm tired of people rejecting the offer in fear that it would ruin their 2nd half

  6. My accountant just called and said I should take the rest of the day off. You're lucky I didn't listen to him. But I wish I could for once.

  7. A few days of straight positive numbers on #EAV. Things are looking good! (e)BITTER

  8. Working on a new website design.

  9. I love reading testimonials from happy customers. Here's a new one! http://bit.ly/a9Iegg #ipb #skins #fp

  10. And ads on MySpace are still huge. The actual profiles themselves are so thin. Lame.

  11. My stock price just broke 20(e) on @EmpireAve ! Invest in (e)BITTER. Stock just keeps going up! #EAV

  12. Dear Flash, stop being so laggy and crashing my browser all the time.

  13. Ellen Page is adorable. And funny on Craig Ferguson right now.

  14. Knew this would pay off eventually! RT @OMGFacts: NOT making your bed can be BETTER than making it! Details --> http://bit.ly/dB4inx.

  15. I think @nbc should upgrade their version of #ipb and then hire #fp to skin it :)

  16. Long day of working, but so worth it. Very excited for the future.

  17. Argh auto repair is expensive. I don't like.

  18. An "artist" took my skin and edited it and used it on his site and claimed it as his. So I'm going to take his art and use it as mine. #fair

  19. Another storm? That's the third one today.

  20. hey @paperroute get ready to sign this in less than a week. http://i31.tinypic.com/vfz2vr.jpg

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