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Posts posted by Dustin

  1. It annoys me slightly that the "paramorefanclub" twitter person, whoever it is, has been tweeting tons of photos from the wedding for the world to look at, on top of the fact that the person running the account won't admit she(he? idk) isn't actually an admin, just that she (or he?) is "the fan club." UGH. Oh and she (or he) ends every sentence with ..! or .!! or ..!!


    But can't wait for Hayley to share her pics. I'm sure she took lots of good ones!

  2. I had a dream last night that my friend was super late in picking me up for the show, and I had nothing to bring to the meet & greet, which I ended up missing anyway. Haha, I used to have those dreams before the first day of school, not about shows. :P


    speaking of what to bring, any update on the mug designs?

  3. ^ Haha. I never thought of that.

    I hope they aren't douchebags about it, though.


    Either way, at my last concert, security hardly even checked my bag and it was pretty packed.

    I'll just stuff it at the bottom, just in case?


    Yeah it varies, which is why I always, and still do freak out when trying to get a camera inside a venue. Such a stressful thing for me lol

  4. Stupid question, but I just got a new camera and it's not really professional but it looks it.

    I'm sure you've seen it around but here's what it looks like



    Should I not take it and just take my old digital camera or am I okay with this one?


    My digital camera looks like that, but it's SUPER old, and security thinks it's pro, until I show them how many MP it is, then they allow it haha. So just prove it is't pro, and you should be ok.


    I'm looking forward to hearing new stuff from them. Deryck and Avril confuse me so much. Apparently, they were seen together again recently. Deryck's pretty cool, and Avril just kind of goes out and gets trashed. lol


    Deryck gets trashed too, haha. He tweets everyday like "How did I fall asleep under the basement couch" and stuff. It's pretty funny. But he is also like single-handedly producing, writing, everything for Sum 41's new record, and he did their last as well, so I still have respect for him, not to mention I'm a HUGE fan haha. It will be interesting what the songs are like now with the whole Avril separation/not really/kinda thing going on.

  5. I'll probably put mine in my back pocket, I've been to plenty of events, concerts, baseball, football, hockey and basketball games in major stadiums/venues, security doesn't play grab ass


    Oh yea, good idea. Since security doesn't touch parts like that. Definitely gonna try that method if I don't find some extra sneaky way.

  6. If it's a slim digital camera, it should be just fine in your pocket.


    But what if it is a venue that doesn't allow cameras? Pockets are the first things checked. Not to mention it may bulge in my pocket, and look so obvious, unless I play it off as "oh no that's not my camera bulging, that's my...uh..actually...nevermind." haha

  7. ^ Yeah, you're actually not allowed to use flash at concerts, but it's okay cause your pictures will come out horrible if you do.




    I've brought a camera to the Oakdale Theatre, and no one had a problem with it. Pretty sure Catie's said cameras are fine at Bamboozle, but you have to hide them to actually get them in. That could be a problem with your camera, lol.


    Yeah, I want to get a new camera that's a little smaller. My parents are not happeh about this since they know it will cost $$$ and I'm broke enough just from buying tickets lol


    just hide it, that's what i did. you should be okay though. as long as it's not a proper photography camera, it'll probably be fine.


    When you say "hide it," it's a lot easier said than done for a guy. There aren't many places a guy can stick a camera without it bulging. Girls can hide it in their boobs, or with tampons or something. If guys do that, it looks too suspicious.

  8. Just to clarify a bit on what Ross said...


    There are people who line up as early as 6am sometimes, but usually if you get there by noon, you should be in pretty good shape.


    Also, no video cameras allowed, but you're usually allowed to film with digital cameras. Sometimes security will stop you, but for the most part, the band is all for it.


    I'm worried about the whole camera issue. I've never been allowed to bring a camera except for when it's a M&G. I'm hoping I'll find out before bamboozle and the CT show later this year if I can or not for those shows. I don't want to be stuck taking camera phone pics lol

  9. Just got a PM about something random from a member with 0 posts. I'm thinking it's a spam bot that got into someone's account, unless someone is PMing me randomly telling me a quote about something I have no idea what it is and they have 0 posts and joined back in 2007 and just felt like talking to me? Anyone else having this issue?


    Member's name is Jeannette

  10. Something Corporate has been added to Day 1 of Bamboozle. Frickin' SWEET! :willy_nilly:






    yeah someone please tell my mom to buy my tickets.

    they were suppose to be christmas presents


    I'll tell your mom. Put her on the comp. I'm great with parents! lol

  11. The interview was really awkward. It was clear that even Jeremy and Taylor were taken back by what happened. I can't tell if the interview was ended early because of that or not, but it sure was an odd way to end the interview.


    Although I couldn't help buy laugh when Hayley said the guys like to make forts in their hotel rooms. Reminds me of when I was younger and would do that in my room. I probably still would, actually. :D

  12. It's kind of how Hallelujah is. They didn't play that for a year or two cause Hayley's voice couldn't handle it, and then finally, they played it on the Final Riot Tour, so it's probably something we'll have to wait a little while for, but the reward for waiting will be so awesome.


    As for her range, I think it's partially cause Hayley was always afraid to just belt out a song even though she's been singing R&B and pop for a while. She just never really included it in Paramore songs until recently. Plus, singers' voices tend to mature in their 20s, so that's why she sounds incredible now. :)


    That's true, which means they Hayhay we know and love will only sound better and better! Can't wait for this tour anymore. It needs to happen now.


    PS: glad to see your insomnia didn't keep you up last night, Chriss......or not. lol :(

  13. I know she said in some interview, or just chatting, or LJ or something that they will play All I Wanted EVENTUALLY. When that is, I don't know. I am reallyyyy hoping that they play it on this spring tour, or even summer tour, but I can't wait forever! (actually, for Paramore, I probably can, but Hayley doesn't know that. shhh)

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