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Tech Guru
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Status Updates posted by Dustin

  1. I love seeing @paramore all over my local radio station's site <3 http://radio1041.fm/

  2. Thanks to @chrissc85 for getting me to think about burritos, now I'm going to sleep hungry. =O

  3. For those uncertain, all FP skins will work perfectly on the updated 3.1.2 release of #ipb

  4. Day is ruined! Now I won't get to see @paperroute or visit all my friends in Boston :(

  5. Storm knocked out the power. House is blazing hot. couldn't sleep. Today will suck.

  6. I had a good laugh from this! RT @chrisjacobs7: What your email address says about your computer skills http://ow.ly/2glKF

  7. Getting ready for an amazing 2 day adventure with amazing friends.

  8. Time always goes by so slow when you're waiting to go to a concert.

  9. Oh hello huge group of tour buses. Let's guess which one belongs to which band.

  10. Having an awesome time in Boston!

  11. Tegan and Sara - Hell

  12. Did I mention this is supposed to be vacation? Be happy, FP customers. This is because I care about you.

  13. I'm getting more and more spam tweets grrr.

  14. Finally changed my ugly laptop wallpaper to an awesome theme. #tooklongenough

  15. Why is The Fonz telling me about reverse mortgages on TV? Did he go broke or something and is desperate for cash?

  16. Why does such an amazing song from an amazing band have to be on such a horrid music video game? Power Gig must die.

  17. Watching Wheel of Fortune: Boston. Makes me miss all my Boston friends already!

  18. Time to sleep. My laptop is burning up. Definitely have been online too long. Night world!

  19. I love the new Old Spice commercial. I also love all the Old Spice commercials. But still.

  20. In Ithaca. Amazing views. Great museums. And got to see all the bridges where the Cornell students commit suicide all the time!

  21. For #Inception lovers. A cool thing someone noticed about the music in the movie:

  22. "I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." —Bill Cosby

  23. Anyone know any websites for finding free parking?

  24. For some reason, I'm going through design withdrawal. I haven't created anything in over a week and it feels odd.

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